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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. @mad11 ....more pics of that boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome looking!
  2. or just use two regular rope keepers... I use one around the pylon horizontally. This holds another one in place vertically that I can open and close around the top of a coiled rope.
  3. Cavitation is not a bad thing when it's effects are controlled. Go fast boats and bass boats sometimes use propellers that have vents in the hub which lets exhaust gas bubble out just ahead of each blade to allow rpms to spin up before the prop hooks up. They employ increased rake and cup to handle the cavitation. @eleeski has an interesting idea about introducing air during the hole shot, particularly if it would be on for a short period at the beginning of the hole shot, then turned off. You may be able to get away with higher pitch and more cup with this idea. It would increase top speed and reduce gas consumption.
  4. AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. @Horton your read the instructions? Wow, you are married and having a kid...
  6. Try to finish your turn at the buoy, instead of starting your turn at the buoy line. Everything has to happen earlier.
  7. So cool!!!!!! Happy Birthday~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Jordan

    Boat names

    Saw a big twin engine boat in Florida one time....called Miss Goody Two Screws
  9. Need way more pics than that!!!! Awesome!
  10. It's on Instagram...he switches skis as often as @Horton! http://web.stagram.com/p/711685918531564671_205573628
  11. Ice just went out the other day up here in the great white north....
  12. It may be great for skis, who knows? as long as it isn't adjustable LOL!
  13. @Than_Bogan‌ there is nothing stopping them... Wall Street never stopped...there were negative interest bonds in '02...Buffet issued them... Bay Street (Toronto's Wall Street)...There these interest bearing creations, where you essentially paid in installments (called installment receipts)...anyhow, they traded at negative values as the bottom fell out of the operations of the issuer. The holder was obligated to pay the final installment...so, you had to pay the buyer take over the bond. The company was called Fracmaster Ltd.
  14. What weight does this ski suit?
  15. When the speed feels "too slow" it usually is because the skier isn't generating enough speed prior to the turn. Try not to solve that by shortening the rope or increasing the boat speed. Focus on getting stacked, and generating speed in the pull. When you get it right, you will be entering the turn with more than enough speed to avoid that sinking feeling. If you have concerns about your set-up, I suggest getting a lesson from someone who can check that things are set-up correctly, then at least that will be dealt with and you can focus on technique.
  16. Jimmy Fallon said...."it's amazing! The Lady Huskies made the championship final also...well, they thought it was amazing until they realized that they were 'Lady Huskies'
  17. The '91-94 Mastercraft has a much better wake in the pre-'97 years. That said in the '97 and forward era, the Nautiques has the best wake.
  18. Remarkable...that he can ski in that old fashioned start and stop, herk and jerk style...all on a wood ski...AWESOME
  19. Just ordered one....paid with wooden nickels :-)
  20. I used to go out the front a lot....I was a classic herk and jerk, stop and go skier...all strength, no technique. Once I learned to be stacked and to be patient enough to let the ski finish the turn before locking in for the pull, then everything started working. Best part was all of the out the front falls went away.
  21. He doesn't always drink beer, but when he does, he prefers Dos Equis...stay thirsty my friends.
  22. If it really is from over tightening a screw on the gas cap holder, it is only cosmetic and is an easy fix. Have it checked out, and decide if the cost of repair is worth it in light of the deal you can negotiate.
  23. An underpowered boat is going to have to surge more than a more powerful boat to hit your 16.95 I hesitate to bring this up, but everyone's focus on peak horsepower is a little off base. What matters is the torque produced, or you could look at the horsepower at the specific rpms required for your speed. If you feel that your boat is doing this, the answer could be as simple as getting a lower pitched prop. This will do two things, it will give you more hole shot for your deep water starts, and it will have the engine operating at higher rpm's for a given speed. This will mean that the engine is operating further up the torque curve, putting out more horsepower at your skiing speed.
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