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Posts posted by lakeo

  1. I've asked before and we saw lots of it at the Pro-am this past weekend. What's with the hardshell front rubber rear like coble, the lapoints or even asher (RTP) ride it would seem to be the most apt to allow the one foot in one foot out situation we all fear. If they want the off side control of the hardshell front why not also go with hard shell rear on a single plate. I guess what I'm really saying is would some one ask Lapoints, Coble, Raley, etc etc why they don't prefer Fogman which do seem the safest if you like hardshell.
  2. Golf is not waterskiing. Years ago I played golf. To be okay at it you need to play 3 to 4 days a week and it tkaes forever time wise. I water ski everyday from may through september and often twice day. a set(six - eight passes) takes one half hour(okay I live on a lake). Typically I run a couple at 38(oleperson speed). No tourney because the nearest one is 3 hours away. Someday I might rejoin the tourney scene. I did enjoy it back then I ran a few at 35 and the people were great(NYS). But again waterskiing is not thetime committment that golf takes. my 2 cents.
  3.    I liken it to golf.Certain clubs and certain balls are not allowed. On the other had if you think of it as a safety issue then it certainly is as legit as a hockey helmet. Given that the sport is already so affluent (newest ski, newest speedcontrol etc. etc.) I'm inclined tosay what is one(or$500)more thing.
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