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Everything posted by JackQ

  1. Although anticipated, all are welcomed improvements. Good riddance to Zone, and increase to 25cm for L seems to be a good trade off for becoming mandatory.
  2. I don’t see how AWSA could allow each member to select the provider for their training. The ship has sailed for this year, we need to move forward and then an assessment can be make if an alternative meets the requirement, is cost effective and “better for the membership”. If the axiom “A bitching sailor is a happy sailor” holds, we must be a happy lot!
  3. If you are 62 your best days are not necessarily behind you. I had my best score at 34 mph in a Record tournament a 66 year old. Transitioning to 32mph is some what dependent on your strengths and weakness. I turn poorly, but hold angle well and tend to hang on to the handle longer than most. So for me a longer ski did not work, I tried same ski but longer and different skies. A larger ski, felt better at my easier passes but not at the harder? As always you mileage may vary, what is good for one is not for others, so try different skis and pick what works best for you not what is good for others.
  4. @Jody_Seal, I do not like for much of what is going on in country today, some Left and some from the right wings. However, Socialism has not taken root in the sport, (Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production, as opposed to private ownership. It includes the political theories and movements associated with such systems) We have been affected by a increasingly litigious society, reaction (over?) to truly despicable actions both by the perpetrators, enablers and those who looked the other way; Insurance companies attempting to quantity risks and mitigating efforts and a CYA by many. All mixed together for what has the potential to be a toxic stew. Horton, you may rightly construe this as political and delete if necessary, but I am trying to be politically agnostic.
  5. @Horton I concur, very good news. Considering the alternatives, insurance constraints, this is the best likely outcome. I would, as most everyone would, like not to have the BI requirements and still hopeful a BI w/o SS will be a future option. The requirement for BI for international competition already was in place, as I found out preparing for the Senior Pan-AM’s. I and others were concerned that competitive skiing would quickly enter a death spiral if the original “interpretation/implementation” requirements stuck. I would like to thank klindy for his efforts and willingness to engage on this forum where some lost the script of “being able to disagree without being disagreeable.
  6. Information on the safesport requirement has been out there but I still believe a conference call such as the one this week should have been conducted last year at a minimum to educate and inform membership. However, I do not recall any information pertaining to a background check for officials being promulgated. Other than the treads on BOS.
  7. Having the information in the AWSA minutes, if you would have searched for them can hardly be construed as knowing and certainly does not in a way mean communication with the membership. This is not even F work.
  8. @klindy I stand corrected. I still still believe that there is/was ample opportunity for communication from AWSA with the general membership to provide an overview of the issues, trade offs and options being discussed with USAWSWS. All too often, assumption and opinions are unconstrained without knowledge.
  9. I am agree with @Broussard. This was way overdue and highlights the shortcoming of AWSA/ BOD in communicating the issues, challenges and trade offs to membership. The typical rule change or debate I.E should max speed change for W4, etc does not need the interaction and communication that these issue required. Still not sure the real trade off are fully appreciated by all. IE: if the board does not do enough to satisfy the Insurance Carriers and higher governing bodies, a lawsuit could bankrupt AWSA or lack of insurance put all liability on the LOCs; too onerous requirements such as background checks for all officials, etc, etc; and we lose too many officials and participates and there will be no skiing to protect from lawsuits. We need to do just enough to keep moving forward without killing the patient. Although not achievable in the short term, better identification and tracking of all smaller subset of those who really should be required and need SS and/or Background checks would greatly reduce the burden and angst to the general membership.
  10. @MDB1056 I do not think equating being a member of LA fitness not a sport that many of are “members” compete in and are officials of. Not a good analogy in any way.
  11. @ALPJr, That is quite different than Florida. There are only 6 tournaments (4sites) that have tournaments listed, and the season starts in 10 weeks (late March).
  12. What may be missed is that driving at 39/41, where the skier is at the buoy at essentially the same time the boat is at the boat guides is inherently different than when a skier at 15/22 is skier buoy the boat is 3 or more meters past the boat guides. The system would be required to know what rope length the skier is at and be programed accordingly. Can it be done certainly, is that the capability currently available, not likely .
  13. The landscape in North Florida (and many other areas) is much different than Central Florida. We struggle to get sufficient judges/drivers/boats/scorers, particularly on our Record tournament. Many of the judges that will likely not renew are the younger ones, that have families and commitments, where the just two more things are required is two things too many.
  14. My personal best was two years ago at 65 years of age. Since then slowing down to 32mph, muddies the comparison as there is not a 6 buoy advantage particularly at extreme shoreline. Up to that point I was gaining about 1/2 buoy a year which doesn’t sound significant but considering many lose buoys in their 60’s it was a difficult endeavor.
  15. @klindy “minors make up approximately 25% of our total membership” That does not seem to be the proportion of participates in tournaments, if we are instituting controls for tournament organizers and those competing, does the composition of the entire membership or the composition of tournament skiers apply. I doubt there are many tournaments where anywhere near 25% are minors, it would be a health sign for the future of the sport, but I do not think that is the case.
  16. John, Was there any indication of cost? I am sure that the number of participates and other parameters would affect the cost.
  17. @lpskier That may be possible. However our Lake owner has been sued once for her husband’s fatal aviation crash and another unwarranted ordeal. It is unlikely but possible that this would be entertained. It took considerable convincing two years ago to get permission to continue hold tournaments after the decision was made to cease, primarily due to liability concerns.
  18. @Bruce_Butterfield With that being the case, we are out of the tournament business . Our Lake Owner will not, nor should they, accept the liability for a violation of the new mandates.
  19. Not sure the sport can survive another increased cost on top of the myriad of new mandates. Maybe for the Pro Events if the system proves to be effective. But what starts as optional will become mandatory.
  20. There needs to be a third option on the poll (Maybe). I am suggest that our site limits skier to 18 and over to escape the draconian measures. If that doesn’t work then there will be 5 less tournaments next year.
  21. Many sites(mine more than other,possibly) struggle to get officials. And some/many of our local officials only ski/judge at our site and will more than likely not go through these new hoops. We do not get many juniors skiers, one or two at most, so we will be forced to limit our skiers to 18 or over. Yes, this will help hasten the demise of our future, but the alternative is the demise will be 2022. I wonder what the consequences would be if AWSA just doesn’t comply with the new mandates, No I am not doing it is always a option.
  22. The update is nice, but late to the party. Membership should have been informed of the issues before board action, and then after, explaining the decision and rational. That is how many well run organizations operate. This is even more desirous given AWSA's past history of lack of transparently, and dubious decision making ( Headquarters' building , and others)
  23. @ral typo, wrestling not gymnastics, don’t know what I was thinking.
  24. Wrestling an original sport from the Greek's was dropped from the Olympics. Having the IOC including skiing in Olympics is a pipe dream and a waste of energy and resources. When it was a demonstration sport and never picked up the Olympic dream died.
  25. My thoughts “theory” cold water as salt water is denser than warmer/fresh water and therefore a ski will accelerate more for a given load. I have 20 years of experience skiing in saltwater and it is unequivocally faster than freshwater. My perception of cold water could be influenced by being cold and stiff as well. Regardless I don’t like cold water!
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