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Posts posted by kfennell

  1. Whatever you do don't try to buy a "beginner ski" with a non adjustable fin block... Neighbour just went through like 2 years on one, got a S2 and immediately picked up 2 passes.


    Also make sure it's plenty big since I assume she will be running the course slow

  2. So my deal is mostly with having my butt drag on the ramp which makes it hard to land on my toes. I really like the larger skis better, except in one case which is in a medium or higher headwind I have trouble getting far enough forward to fight the wind. I am very comfortable out on the water on the big skis they are definitely the best. I ski at least one riding a set a day and I can cut in a nice strong position.


    I have a variety of different things that happen when I hit the ramp though...


    1. I dont load through the ramp and lose my hands to the boat up the ramp, go out the back.

    2. I rock onto my heels on the ramp, go out the back but not so bad.

    3. I do everything great I get to the apex looking like a jumper and my hands just stay where they are and my body leaves them behind, its hilarious to watch im told :(


    I am getting to where I am 90% #3 now so at least I'm not getting hurt anymore, but I am landing pretty far back on my heels.

  3. How does one know if skis are too big for you? I have ridden 72 and 88 and 92" jumpers, they all had differences in feel. The 92's are so much lighter then the 88's were that its hard to guage how the size difference is affecting me


  4. So the ski size charts say that I should be on a 92" ski at 200+ lbs. But I am kind of struggling with my jumping and I am only in the 55-70 foot range. I think I am on the verge of a breakthrough and will soon be jumping 80+ though. What size ski should I be on?
  5. @than_bogan I suspect that more research is being done each year on battery technology right now then in all of the years previously in history? There are a number of promising technologies in the works right now including lithium anodes (I think it was the anode, I forget) that could result in an increase, or maybe someone develops a better capacitor?


    Anyways you still could be right, but I hope you're wrong, imagine a fleet of drones 3d printing your next house.... and other such possibilities that can come from better battery power.



  6. @crashman It isn't a bad idea at all, its a teriffic idea, unfortunately I think that it is an idea that is 5 years out. It will require a tripling in battery power and the release of the Galileo high resolution satellite system. At that time a system like this would be awesome!
  7. 1. GPS has ~ 1M accuracy in this application, the steadiest I've ever seen my drone stay without any wind (and it is a VERY VERY good drone is about .25M)

    2. The batery life fighting against the waves would be awful.

    3. Definately the cost would be about $100 per buoy to make any money I expect

    4. I think you run into a problem where you need a bigger battery verey quickly, but moving a battery through water isnt very effecient so you need a bigger battery but then its less effecient etc etc etc very quickly.

  8. @skier2788‌ You forget about the river!!! 5 minute walk from the main area there is a ~75 degree river you can swim in. 10 minute walk to where the river rope swing is!


    Water temp is in the low-mid 90s. Pretty hot and probably getting hotter.

  9. @chef23 Yeah that is pretty impressive, the only time I've been able to do that many is when I was delivering party supplies 16 hours a day. That is the best exercise on earth! I am limited by a shoulder injury now so I cant do more then a few, but I think I could do 7-10 if I wasnt hurt.


    Edit: I just did 4 :( I think people might be confusing chinups with pullups?

  10. OK, so it is SERIOUSLY hot here, heat index approaching 110 every day and no sign of stopping.


    Please remember this when you are packing, hats, glasses, sunscreen, light clothes, lots of changes of clothes, glove liners (super important to me), shade?.




    We were discussing this the other day in the boat and I don't know how I would have done if I had have travelled to this tournament back when I lived up north, but I am sure being prepared will help.

  11. @skier2788 might have some more input since he has made the CO-TX trip before. It hasn't seemed to bother him that I Noticed as far as skiing goes. However, it is HOT HOT HOT OMG SO HOT here right now and all next week, and the water is getting very hot as well. So that being said I would advise the following.


    1. Hats and glasses.

    2. Suscreen, and repeat

    3. GLOVE LINERS, you will not be able to ski even one set without them if you hands are not ready...

    4. Stay in the shade/water for the hour before your set at least, dont let yourself get tired before you ski. Yesterday I washed my boat then drove for someone else, taking about 2 hours out in the sun, and then I skiied, Couldn't even run -28 when I slowed the boat down! I was useless.

    5. Drink SO MUCH WATER


    Good luck, I will be enjoying the nice cool weather in Costa Rica ;)

  12. 1. 2-3x a day 6 days a week

    2. Yes.

    3. Yes boat driver is easy almost always.

    4. I live in a private lake community so I guess?

    5. They made me set back the house 20 feet from the lake. So 20 ft?

    6. Be super friendly and appreciative of the people who have boats, do things to help them and they will invite you out more? Not sure how to address that really you already know that working from home is the key!

  13. Something that outputs graphs like this of your skis roll angle through the pass at 400Hz? Or your pitch angle or yaw angle, along with GPS positioning at 4Hz ?



    Note I think this graph is from my in the house testing not an actual pass, but the pass data looked just as good.


    I have something, I even have a fully working prototype but getting the data into something useable isn't just a press of a button.

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