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Everything posted by bishop8950

  1. I never looked carefully, but think it was about 13x1.0 and it was a radius tractor grip. But the issue to me seemed to be the rubber which was hard and slippery.
  2. So following that crash my back is still messed up and I expect to be on the DL for a few more weeks. Lesson Learned - Never underestimate the change of any key variable. What happened was I had to borrow a handle, which I gave no significant thought to doing. I planned on running my opener 6 times so what difference could it make? That handle slipped right out of my hand behind the boat and thats what happened. It was not my fitness, grip, soap or anything like that. It was the difference in the handle. I am a very conscious skier and note changes in drivers, boats, certainly ski gear and this one surprised me. The skier that owns the handle uses clinchers which helps me understand how the heck he hangs onto it.
  3. If you are really overweight, start there for so many reasons. Love Caldwell’s point on understanding and technique. So true and always my primary focus. Strength is great and a certain amount is a prerequisite, but after a certain point I don’t think it helps.
  4. @skibug no orange rope in my video (at the top of the thread). But if I did ski 22 I might have similar problems!
  5. I can tell you the skier was not feeling 100% and surely isn’t proud of the first two buoys on the first pass in a while and in a dry suit. However, there is definitely nothing wrong with the ski and total surprise when things went wrong. And yes, it’s me Also, 3 days later I am really stiff in my lower back and neck. One of those falls where you know it’s going to be bad, you have what seems like a few seconds to feel totally helpless and just hope you don’t get seriously hurt. I have only had a few crashes like that in the last 10 years. I hope it’s a long time before that happens again. Or better bet, never happens again
  6. @wish first, We will have to see how much promo program revision impacts tournaments going forward. The NorCal schedule for next year looks the same for 2018. Maybe getting boats will be harder but we will see. Second, if there is a problem and we are seeing less tournaments sanctioned, would allowing older boats increase the number of sanctions. Is that your question? If yes, maybe and would be fine with me. Alternatively we can just do our own thing and run events by our own rules and use whatever boats we want. Or sanction as F. The following is ok with me: If I want a world ranking score I have to ski at least an L (current model year boats). If I want a ranking list score I have to ski at least a C ( whatever the age rule is for these boats). If those are not important to me why not ski F (any boat you want?) or non sanctioned. I don’t have the energy to get AWSA to let us use older boats in Cs. That said, it would be ok with me if they did. Might mess up the rankings a bit but if the upside was more events and less stressed boat owners and event organizers then I would clthink it’s a win. Go get em and submit a proposal.
  7. I still ski both in practice. PP feels easier. The older softer engines are easier. But when I am skiing well I can run at least the same scores behind ZO. I just have to be skiing better. Ultimately, I want to compete and I will ski behind whatever is there. These days the boats all feel different to me so sometimes I have to find the right make/engine combo to train behind. It’s a pain in the ass but I want to compete. I try to ski such that my style is less boat dependent but the boats still feel different. Back to @wish question, should we have PP boats in Class C? Not sure the reasons or politics not too but it would be fine with me. But if we want PP tournaments make it an F (I assume then PP is ok) or don’t sanction at all. Our club “the pond” has non sanctioned events and all the boats are PP. entry is about $25, we have fun formats and they are a great time. So rather than fight the governing body, I would just do my own thing. Maybe I should fight for the cause but not sure I have the energy on this one.
  8. My goal is to continue to have fun no matter what. Conditions good or bad. Slump or not. Good driving or not. Have fun and smile every ride. Additionally, I always want to improve. Improvement is not always measured by score. I want to increase my understanding and technique as well as get more efficient. I also want continuously improve my fitness. As long as I do the scores should go up but I am fine if they don’t.
  9. @horton My employer complains the forum dominates my CPU workload given it’s the only application I run. Is that bad?
  10. It’s being worked on now. I don’t know their exact plan for marketing, release and boat test but I would expect it will all be public next spring.
  11. @Nando I was thinking the same thing @horton great list. I can’t improve on that and the comments added since.
  12. The Camaro stuff is so nice. So comfortable and warm. I have 2x 3/4s and 2x full suits. This way I have a dry one for the second ride. Also I like spare everything. They are fragile in comparison to traditional neo but worth it to me. Just be careful putting it on and off. I always pull on the inside material not the outside which has made a huge difference. I will get several seasons out of a suit and we wear them a lot. Nov-April. I had a great experience with warranty with a zipper issue and they sent me a brand new suit no questions asked.
  13. @RichardDoane I wonder how many people ski more rides in tournaments than practice!?
  14. I don’t keep records but bet I am around 200 sets. Given they were all min 80 miles from my house I am happy with that. @Horton since you run this website for a living and reside 20 feet from the shore of a beautiful ski lake in California you should be getting 250 rides a year. If you stay healthy in 2018 I want to see 300. On a different note, I will be going by this weekend and may bring my ski along if you are around. Then I can be ~201 rides this year
  15. I love these buoys. We ran them most of the summer in blazing sun CA and they still look brand new. Not sure why the attachment loop is Ike that but we haven’t had failures yet. Also, we run them with very little air pressure and I think they are as safe as anything out there.
  16. Beautiful property and well done video. If i lived anywhere near there it would be tempting. How busy is that lake? Looks like a decent number of boats housed there.
  17. @jimbrake those misc balls are marking a new berm lurking below the surface thanks to the floods and high flow last winter. A ramp in that location would be sitting on the bottom today.
  18. Maybe boots up a touch? Might keep it moving throug 2/4? That ski let’s you turn 1/3 no matter what. That 5 ball at 38 saved the pass.
  19. The Pond in San Jose CA. We just got water back for the first time since Jan and are pumped to be skiing there again. My 9 yr old son took his first ride ever there and PBd buy a pass!
  20. Hydrated potassium aluminum sulfate, often referred to as alum, is used as a floccualnt in water treatment. It grabs the phospourus, nitrates and other junk out of the water table and sinks it to the bottom of the lake (in the case of a lake). This clarifies the water and removes the algae food so your algae concentrations go down without the need for algeacides. I know a few lakes that have done this, including ours with good results. It’s not cheap and can be a few grand to $10k per treatment per ski lake depending on what you do.
  21. @horton and I posted very similarly at the same time. Scary
  22. Ski set up matters for everyone at all levels. But most 38 skiers are more intune with their gear than 28 skiers. But I don’t think this means if you are a 28 skier you don’t have to be on top of your set up.
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