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Posts posted by MickeyThompson

  1. What I don't understand why is so many skiers are opposed to making our sport safer and more popular.

    Two examples basketball made a major change when they added the three point line and football changed defensive rules to give the offense an advantage. Both of these sports were open minded and have gain popularity. We should take the same progressive approach.

  2. One thing to consider is interior noise level. I have only been in a couple 200's but at 36 mph you must yell to communicate from driver to passenger. TXI much better.
  3. Just purchased a T Factor front binding and have a couple questions. How much do you tighten the laces? What size do I need? I have a size 91/2 foot and purchased a medium binding which seems very tight. Thanks.
  4. I need help with my RS1 bindings. When I line up the arrows on the front and back of the boot with the center line of the ski it does not appear straight. Is this an elusion or are the arrows incorrect.








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