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Everything posted by bherder

  1. Jedgell - Google map Eberly Road in Banks Oregon. Turn on satellite view.
  2. My cronies and I are old school and like to tie our own handles. Used to be able to buy handle stock of various lengths and diameters along with rope on skirope.com. Where do companies get material to make handles these days?
  3. Thanks John. I didn't know if it was possible to embed vids without using youtube.
  4. Got approval from Terry a long time ago to make this. This is how I coach myself. 36 mph 14.25m. I'm posting the link since embedding vids is a PITA. http://bradyherder.com/vids/July20.wmv Critique or flame away! :)
  5. I agree. phpbb is a ton better. posting vids on here is a pain. I'm a computer-dork-extreme and can help if needed. http://www.phpbb.com/ -Brady
  6. John, Yes, I searched. So I have 3 of your carbon fins. I have skied on one of them for the last few years on a F1, and D3 RC. I couldn't find any documentation on what the numbers on the fins mean. If I remember back in the day, some were meant for 34 and some for 36 (I'm a 36'er through and through, until I turn 35). Can you explain what the numbers mean? Also, what was the conclusion of the carbon fin? Not different enough from the standard fin? Is anyone currently using one?
  7. Only in Mexico my friend, only in Mexico.
  8. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has order some FM hardshells recently that has a similar foot size to mine. My foot is 29.3 cm (11.53 inches) long and is very narrow. It looks like I'm right in the middle between a L shell and a XL shell. The last pair of FM hardshells I bought, my toes hit the end of the shell and it was uncomfortable. That was a long time ago and can't remember what size that shell was. If you have a similar foot size, let me know what shell you ordered. I don't want to hit the end of the shell, but worried that the XL shell might be too sloppy for my long and narrow (3A) foot. Brady Herder Line-Off Lake http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=14820+nw+tranquility+drive+banks&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=57.42297,78.662109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=14820+NW+Tranquility+Dr,+Banks,+Oregon+97106&ll=45.621744,-123.143842&spn=0.006281,0.009602&t=h&z=17
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