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  1. If your ski is flat in the center of the wakes with the tip perpendicular to the boat path while still under load with your shoulders level, the boat will automatically bring you to the inside edge while your ski continues to move outbound (in the same direction it is pointing utilizing all of the energy that was generated in the acceleration zone; a body in motion stays in motion) and away from the handle thereby creating width and increasing how early one can ski. Pulling long requires the skier to physically change their edge. Schnitz! http://www.schnitzskis.com/natesmith.html
  2. Any time you add drag to a fin, you raise the tail PERIOD! A traditional wing RAISES the tail! It does not pull it down! As the tail raises, the front lowers. A lower front = more drag or a slower ski. Any questions? Schnitz!
  3. Buy your Goode skis from me! You will pay less and get better service! Schnitz!
  4. I would like to know what e-mail address you sent the e-mails to and the date/time they were sent. Thank you Roger Clark for giving me this information. Schnitz!
  5. Joe, I meant to praise your skiing abilities! I know you are capable of running 39 off. Smart ass comments are why you don't see me on these boards any more! See ya!
  6. OK Bud Man, About 1983, WaterSki magazine ran a photo of one of my fins with dual tubes rather than dual wings. I found that the upper tubes/wings controlled deceleration and the lower wings controlled the turn so dual wings/tubes go way back to the beginning. As for the philosophy behind the Ventral’s, I have no idea. To me, they just look like more drag that will allow you to pull too long! As for Joe Darwin testing something at 32 off, I don't feel it's a real test. Whenever I would test anything on my ski, I always went "upstairs" to my hardest passes to see if the change was better or worse. I really don't care how a ski feels on a warm up pass. It needs to perform at the top! I'll gladly test one if someone will send it to me along with the mounting and tuning instructions. To do this, I will have to destroy a $70.00 fin!
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