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Posts posted by DavidP

  1. Thank you @lhoover and guys for the recognition and congrats! It was indeed a fun and rewarding day, and happy to defer the "skier of the day" award to Ann. My goal was running 38 at 48, but I didn't get it and was getting concerned I might not ever get it. So I'll take getting into 39 at 49!


    Kyle K. and @ski6jones were a great boat crew (SN200 6.0L) and many other folks contributed to this performance: Ann and the kids for putting up with my obsession, KLP for his annual coaching and ski setup, AM for his coaching when I demoed the 6.1, Horton for this forum and the lessons we learn from others, and my ski buddies and Pat for allowing us to ski on his lake!


    One piece of advice I can pass along...practice does not make perfect. We can not be perfect, we ski on water not walk on it. Rather, practice makes progress!

  2. @phatty5693 I have the 63.5 D3 X5 on SIA mentioned in Bruce's recommendation. I have a XXS front Wiley binding (Mens size 4 to 6) and a XS back toe piece I can include with the ski for $300 and I will pay for the shipping. If interested, please respond to the SIA listing. Thanks, David
  3. Great looking boat! My only pet peeve on my 2012 200 is that the rope gets caught on the gas cap hinge when the rope is in the water. I'm surprised this has not been fixed in the later models. Has anyone tried to rotate the gas cap 90 degrees to prevent that from happening?
  4. Dave, something I think about to get wider is to "land on edge". Meaning I am holding my position thru both wakes and landing on the same edge after the wakes. It especially helps me as the line gets shorter.
  5. I asked my 15 year old daughter what her favorite tournament was...she replied Nationals (she has only qualified once (2013), and she did by being in level 8). I then asked her why Nationals...she responded "because I qualified and skied a PB". She placed 20 something and never had a chance to place, but was recognized for skiing a PB. How was she recognized? That year Centurion had a white board at their tent counting PBs behind the Carbon Pro and giving out personal best tshirts. She didn't have a medal to wear around her neck, but she loved wearing the shirt around the rest of the tournament and folks would notice the shirt and tell her congrats.


    Every level and age skier gets satisfaction performing a PB, and public recognition makes it that much sweeter. AWSA should publicly recognize PBs at nationals (its asked in the skier's bio) to provide positive reinforcement and motivate skiers of all levels to keep up the good work and do it again next year.

  6. Divisions 1 & 2 is a good idea for a Team competition, but does not seem correct for an individual competition. My recommendation is to include level 7 at Nationals as a test in 2015. Perhaps that will attract more skiers and also capture more family members to ski - i.e. Kelvin's example. With regards to MM, they should ski at 35mph so it is materially different than M3-6. Level 9 - no changing during ski season.
  7. The Lakes of Cypress Hill families demonstrated once again why we love to have Regionals there. From check-in, Jr. Pizza Party, BBQ Banquet, Tony, Tyler and Charles announcing all superbly done! Best of all - great skiing and awesome to see that some of the home owners managed to save a bit of energy to ski well too!


    The officials and boat drivers were very efficient during and between events and no lengthy gate reviews! p.s. I enjoyed dock starting for most of M4 and MM. Lots of C1 ZO settings once the top seeds were skiing...hmmm.


    Here's a video taken from Tony's drone:




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