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Posts posted by xrated

  1. Just sat down and watched the video. Great piece and as a fellow "ginger" I had to chuckle at the ginger comment.


    28 years old, and a few to many days on the water and roofing houses without good protection I have had my share of bad burns. Luckily I have been good so far, have the wife check me as often as I can get her to and as a result I have had one bugger that showed up cut out. Right in the middle of a back tattoo but the piece of mind was/is worth the scar even if it is in the middle of my ink.


    You guys got me thinking though that I ought to up the game and let someone besides the wife check out my naked freckled self.

  2. @Ms, Never heard of needing the sherrif on board but I don't doubt it the way this state works.


    You don't need to tell me that lake shore taxes are out of control, our family has 86 acres, two sides are lake shore.....


    I will say that cabin/shore line prices have started to come back down. Meaning people are still asking prices from 5 or 6 years ago but they also aren't getting that price anymore. Back in the prime of the good times I had buds pay 2k a foot for some of the last buildable shoreline on our lake and IMO that is just stupid high. Heck the neighbors up at the lake are trying to sell and have had it on the market for 2 years at 350k and that is to much for one of the better setups on the lake. Last ouse on a dead end road minus ares so no annoying traffic all day, etc. http://www.christianrealtynorth.com/lakelotpix/Holmgren.htm


    I also tend to agree with you somewhat on the voting issue, as I no longer reside on the lake, but on the other hand I can see lots of people who have lake places constantly voting down levies, etc that benefit the local school and as the product of a public school in lake country I know first hand the benefits that can be brought localy via the lake shore owners. But there are more issues then just school levies that I think the second dwelling crowd take it in the shorts, then again I think at times the weekenders need to leave well enough alone and quit trying to change the way and area is.

  3. @MS, correct me if I am wrong but from what I have found in the regs for MN, a course on a public lake is no different then a raft. No permits, etc needed. But just like a raft it is open to all. We have put one in on our lake up north but my bud has always pulled it for fear of issues, but nothing that I have found says you have to pull it. Might piss some people off but you can do it.


    IMO i would rather spend the money on a public lake place over a private site, but that is most likely because I grew up on a lake and can't imagine not being on bigger water.

  4. Nope he didn't I'm running a Venom and RTP from my old ASX but I want to get into a double setup. He did send me a ton of info on bindings but I haven't tried any yet except for putting my foot into the Rail that came on my wifes ski. So I am still searching for new bindings to try.
  5. @MS, I got to know Jlittle through a mountain snowmobiling forum and then I met him when I traveled out to Spokane/North Idaho to go sledding. Great guy, even got my ski from him this past summer.
  6. @MS every beer has its place so long as it isn't light. I love me some Oly or Schmidt or Hamms but I also love me some Schells, Rouge, etc. Don't think I have had Session though. And don't ya know Hood River isn't from @Jlitte area...one thing I've learned is that there are two parts to WA and you never ever lump the west/wet/left coast in with the good honest folks of eastern WA.


    I've been saying I need to go visit his area in the summer for awhile now, it can't be any colder then MN.

  7. Whoever talked about surfing/skating and the lifestyle nailed it.


    If you want to grow slalom or skiing in general it is as a lifestyle.


    I am an open water skier, I love it won't lie about that. But skiing is a lifestyle that I love. Waking up and having that empty lake time, then during the day tubing, rafting with other boats, even stealing a set or two and then skiing again at night. I LOVE that lifestyle and the big appeal is how laid back it is. We go out and do what the weather and water will permit. Somedays skiing is last in line due to other stuff but it is always the desire.


    Heck I love just hanging out by the water, sit on the dock, play by shore with the kids, swing in a hammock, play horseshoes. Or motor over and BS with buds just waiting for ski time. Looking in from my view, hardcore slalom is not a very appealing lifestyle. Always worrying about getting good water, empty water, wind, tweaking stuff, etc. Way to many stressors....why the heck would anyone want to jump into the life style. But a style that is laid back, come what may and make the best of it....that is what draws people in.


    If I wanted to chase bouys and deal with all the little things (which I still might) I doubt my wife would have jumped on board with buying a boat as soon as debt is gone....but since I introduced her to the laid back lake/ski style of life she was on board with a boat way before she even tried skiing and now that she has and the kids love tubing she can't wait for a boat.


    IMO get that kinda image portrayed to the public and you see numbers go.


    And like the Billabong ads out now say, "Life is better in boardshorts" life on the water with a boat and rope is better, just gotta get it out there.

  8. Crap missed the last part, getting top skiers skiing courses on public lakes would be huge even if it is just demo shows. Look at how big BroStock is for wake and isn't Bull Shores a public lake? Make slalom tournaments more open, more of an event/show then just chasing buoys on perfect water and get families to spend a weekend on the water enjoying it.


    I know if any of the lakes around my home area had a slalom exhibition I'd be there for the weekend.

  9. @Ilivetoski, you are on to something with the cost factor. IMO it is a huge factor. I love skiing, I will always ski but as a single income household I am very very aware of the cost involved in this sport. Heck, that 45k boat is over half my income.


    Yet when the day comes I will gladly pay for a boat because I have yet to find anything that gives family time like water sports, be it skiing, tubing or boarding.


    I grew up playing baseball and going to siblings sports....but that's just it, you all go watch one person. Water sports you all are doing it at some level together.


    I love dirt biking and snowmobiling, also expensive sports but much easier to do cheap for a family, yet even when you do it as a family you are separated by machine and helmets.


    IMO the key to growing water skiing is first getting people to realize it is such a great family sport....but then you still have to justify the price tags of skis, boats, etc. and teach shared usage and respect on public water.

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