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Posts posted by Klundell

  1. @Razorskier1 -- I attribute the success to a couple of different things - 1st lots of practice sets. I skied 5-6 days a week for the entire summer. 2nd Coming into the season in great shape and stronger than ever thanks to Crossfit. 3rd the Nano was working great.
  2. Moved my tournament PB from 4@38 to 3@39. Previous the 2011-2012 season I had run 35 only 3x's in tournaments. In the last 12 months I ran 35-off 26x's and ran 38-off 6x's in tournaments. I think its safe to say it was my best season yet!
  3. Moved my tournament PB from 4@38 to 3@39. Previous the 2011-2012 season I had run 35 only 3x's in tournaments. In the last 12 months I ran 35-off 26x's and ran 38-off 6x's in tournaments. I think its safe to say it was my best season yet!
  4. I switched back to the two handed gate at the beginning of this year and have had a lot of success with it. 36mph Right foot forward and I use the long pull out as well. I try to watch the right 55 ball and when I can't see it anymore I begin to pull out. I also switched the position from which I pull out. I used to pull out from just outside the trough now I pull out from just outside the wake. I find this helps me get a little wider on the boat.
  5. Pretty much for my whole waterskiing career every time someone has gotten in the boat to give me a few pointers they have said... "you need to bend your knees more." My urge has always been to say back, "maybe you should straighten yours?" Now I'm justified!
  6. I haven't really had a ski coach since I was 15. I've found that most of my improvements this year and last have come from video. The IPad 2 is my new best friend (if you have someone to hold it.) I can review the video right on the dock after the set with a screen that is big enough to see something. I also watch a lot of youtube video from the pros and compare myself to them. I don't even think that coaching from the boat is really a very good thing to do anymore. More often than not the coach from the boat sees what he has been working on. (I know as a coach I've been guilty of that).
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