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Posts posted by Klundell

  1. Picked mine up yesterday too and it looks almost exactly as you described. I think the clear look into the carbon is making the ski look a little raw. But I'm ok with that! Got the boat fixed and skiing it tomorrow so I will let you know.
  2. @MS I can't say that I agree. There are other events where we get to watch just the best of the best battle it out. Having nationals more inclusive gives many skiers who have either just picked up the sport or who are still trying to improve to just get into nationals a goal to shoot for. Especially the kids. I remember as a boys 3 skier trying so hard to improve so I could just make it to nationals and it was a great honor just to get there and beat a few people. Right now my wife is in this boat and is working her guts out in both the on and off-season to get better so she can just make the nationals. I think and inclusive nationals is good for the sport.
  3. I decided to ski M2 with an OM rating this year at Western Regionals for a couple of reasons. 1) I had never won a western regionals and wanted that experience. 2) I was skiing in the division where I would have more equal competition. Skiing against MB, TW, and NP. Sort of feels like I'm just out there for fun not really competing. I did ski in a pro event last year to get that experience of skiing against the best in the world but I certainly wasn't really competing.
  4. Just saw that I drew the Mastercraft for Western Regionals. I haven't skied behind one in years what can you guys tell me about the pull? ZO settings? Etc? I'm not particularly picky when it comes to boats but thought I would ask.
  5. I agree with @skiboyny its all about strength to weight ratio. We have a MM skier in UT Bryce Tolman who has to be over 200lbs he is built like a truck. He does stuff on a waterski that I simply don't have the strength to do (I actually spent all winter trying to gain 7-8lbs because I thought my strength to weight ratio would go up) I think its paying off I'm skiing better than last year. If you can do 40 pull ups it doesn't matter how big you are you will be strong on a waterski. Not that I wouldn't like trying to ski with a 40lb weighted vest on sounds kinda fun. ha ha ha.
  6. Not to cant. I'm in powershells too and the tiniest bit of cant really fouls up my offside turn tends to make the tip bury and lose the tail. Anyone else had this happen. I know because my rear boot moves like sometimes and I instantly know it because I start loosing the tail more often.
  7. Could someone point me to the thread about TW's arm guard or a picture. The rig that @Brian has looks great but it wouldn't work for me because I hold the handle in the middle with my left hand. I'm convinced that I would be safer with a handle guard but I want to know which one to get.
  8. I was talking to Chris Rossi about this last year and he said he feels like he had his best seasons when he was trading buoy time for gym time. He then relayed a story of him and Jamie riding 50 miles on a bike, rock climbing until they couldn't hang on one more hold, and then going to run 39. Since then I've tried to keep working out during the season but with that said I'm only hitting about 2-3 crossfit style/strength focused workouts a week.
  9. I am one of those guys that asked the question about getting your hand stuck in the handle guard and not getting it out. I admitted up front it was an ignorant question because I have no experience with it. Sounds like the consensus on this forum is handle guards are a must and getting caught in it is a non-issue. We had a tournament in UT yesterday and I only saw one handle guard on 17 different handles.
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