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Posts posted by Klundell

  1. @6balls I know exactly what you are talking about being too wide too early I actually posted something on here about a year ago about that very topic. I don't actually think that is the problem in this case. In fact this same problem happens at -32 and -35 but I can still run the passes (here is a side by side of me and my ski partner from the same day at -35... I don't have any other videos loaded to youtube). Notice the two ball has the same exact problem
  2. Although there are some problems with the one ball I'm not totally convinced they are causing the problems at two. When I watch the full speed video without nitpicking I think to myself "that is a pretty good one ball" and I'm actually reaching the two ball pretty early. I think there really is a problem at the finish of the two turn. Something do to with my center of mass getting behind the ski so it stalls out and I can't get it moving for a while. Anybody else agree?
  3. @wish I definitely agree with you about the edge change into one ball... here is the still of terry in the same spot at the one ball (Handle much lower and closer to the body allowing the shoulders to say away) creating a better arc around one will definitely help me at two. However I think tip rise out of the buoy is mostly a pretty natural reaction to the transition from turn to pull. (Terry's does it almost the same as mine out of every ball (see picture of his one ball). 1c72750f24a3f8dce6908a1e5ca343.bmp52f359499c15dc910f9dca0c465574.bmp
  4. Here is a video I shot yesterday @38-off 36mph. I made 4 trips to the 5 ball yesterday and just kept choking on it. But the real problem is I'm wasting a lot of time coming out of the two/four ball. (I'm open to all suggestions you don't have to run 38 to have an opinion that might help me get through this pass more consistantly.)


    Full Speed.


    Half Speed.

  5. @gator1 I couldn't agree more about your assessment of light vs. heavy on the line. ""heavy" means lots of tension on the rope with not a lot of angular velocity being generated." Perfect explanation. With that said I will never tell someone that they need to be lighter on the line because what that translates to in decreased intensity behind the boat and to run any short line the intensity behind the boat has to be very high. I will try to use coaching cues that will get a person to be more efficient but the term lighter is not one of them. The beauty of a system you are talking about is it would give instant feedback to the coach of whether or not your cues are working for the skier.
  6. @ShaneH for the last couple seasons I've tried to keep doing CrossFit while skiing 10-12 sets a week. It lasted about a month both times before I realized I wasn't recovering and I dumped CrossFit entirely. Changing it up this year and just keeping up with the lifting... Squats, O-lifting, and some really short smart WODs like 3-10 minutes. I haven't started skiing yet so we will see how that plays out.
  7. @jimbrake
    almost all of these guys have their back foot completely off of the ground when they make contact with the ball. That tells me 100% of their weight is on the front foot. I think this is an important point because sometimes what we teach and what is really happening are two different things. I think that was the case with back arm pressure.
  8. I tried the back arm pressure thing for a while and abandoned it quickly. Doesn't make sense to load the back arm when you want your center of mass moving forward. I think this is analogous to a batting coach telling a hitter to stay on his back foot. It's coached all the time (to prevent other problems) but not something that is actually done when you watch a professional hitter almost all of them have shifted their center of mass toward the ball and are completely on their front foot when they hit the ball.
  9. Getting through the gates is an art form. How many threads do we have on this forum about getting a start? And some of you want to do away with that art? I don't get it. And yes it is an advantage to be as close to that right hand gate buoy as you can, if it wasn't no one would miss them (especially pros).
  10. @Wish simple CrossFit Open breakdown. Worldwide fitness competition (130,000 competitors). 1 workout per week is released for 5 weeks. Released on a Wednesday you have until Sunday to complete it. The workout can be validated one of two ways. It can be done at any CrossFit affiliate and validated by a judge or it can be videoed and sent in to be validated by online judges. There are 17 regions across the world. They take the top 50 men and women from each region during the open workouts and they have a regional competition. From the regional competition they take the top 3 men and women from each region to the CrossFit Games that you can see on ESPN.
  11. Jenny broke her foot just a few days before the start of the CrossFit Games Open. But still did the first workout on one leg and she crushed it! I only got 1 more rep then she did on two good legs. (The guys weight is a lot heavier but still!) Very inspiring.
  12. @disland there is more money in CrossFit then in skiing but not at her level. She is doing well (38th in her region after the first open workout) and probably going to qualify to get to regionals but she is not elite like she is in skiing. I bet she comes back crazy strong both physically and mentally from CrossFit and does really well.


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