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Posts posted by MichaelGoodman

  1. Works okay not nearly as good as oxalic acid but way better to work with oxalic acid is real

    nasty and gives of very strong fumes. This seemed much milder and did the job I just had to leave it on a lot longer then I thought about 30 to 45 mins. Bottom line is I would use it again.

  2. @vtjc Glad your not the seller because he is as real AH he knows the boat has major problems and just wants to dump it on some unsuspecting buyer sure glad I noticed the issues before taking it home. Sorry I thought it may have been you. I have tried to contact Ebay but have not heard back from them.
  3. @Glock @Rivvy Ebay is definitely going to here about it especially since he relisted it as being

    in excellent shape. Rivvy I did low ball him (I would have rather punched him in the head but did not want to get arrested and I still thought there might be a chance however slim that he did not know about the problem. He certainly knows now and is trying to find some sucker who buys it sight unseen or knows nothing about engines and does not notice the leaking.) needless to say he

    did not take the low ball offer.

  4. @vtjc I was the top bidder on this boat and the seller is a total sleaze bag. Took my trailer

    and drove 3 hours yesterday to go pick it up. He told us the boat was leased by him to a camp

    and only driven by one driver. I told him they should fire the driver or teach him how to drive.

    My 2005 LXI is in way better shape this thing has tons of scratches and dings pictures look better than actual condition. The interior was in better shape than the exterior. The scratches

    did not scare me away they are only cosmetic and the price was real good. So we put it in the water for a test drive and the thing is leaking water big time from the block around the freeze

    plugs they had silicone or some similar product on the block trying to stop the leaks obviously

    some one knew there was a problem. Since the boat had no trailer and they serviced it I am sure they must of not winterized it in time and the block froze. I know we get some long winters up here but it has not frozen yet and I am sure they drove it all summer leaking like a sieve. Also around 2000 RPMS the block had a banging noise coming from it. The owner is a dealer by the way and said he did not know about the problem highly unlikely and the sleaze bag certainly does know and he has it relisted on E_Bay for more money saying its fully serviced and in excellent shape he never even changed the oil and it was down at least a quart. I love his story about me not getting financed I had the cash with me to buy it. The crazy thing is this AH has a 100% feedback rating on Ebay.

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