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Posts posted by MichaelGoodman

  1. A while back I read a article I think in was in Mens Journal. It was major study that involved

    the Australian army and there was about 10,000 test subjects on each side, half warmed up

    before workouts and half just went in cold. I think the test covered about a 6 month period. The

    bottom line was the ones that did not warm up had the same rate of injury as the group that did warm up.

  2. Look what happened to boxing when they went to multiple titles anybody know who the heavy

    weight champion of the world is? There are probably three or four different ones but there all watered down so no one pays any attention any more. Making the nationals should be hard and

    mean something. I would love to qualify. I have come close but never have but making it there

    in division "2" would not mean much to me.

  3. Edmund (Skip) Hommel just finished in 8th place at the nationals. What makes this

    so impressive to me is that Skip did not get up on one ski until he was 38 years old.

    He also skis on a public pond in Ma with a relatively short season. The best part is

    that Skip is a better guy than he is skier he will help any one at any-time and gives back a

    ton to the sport. In our short New England summers he usually makes it to about 12

    tournaments a year both awsa and int events. He takes his promo Prostar to many events

    and usually spends most of day driving and or judging. Could not happen to a nicer guy, he also

    has a great wife (Julie) who also goes to helps out and skis at all the tournaments.

  4. Awesome job building your dream site sorry to here of reason for the sale. I also think the

    price is a great bargain. I can not believe how quick you built it. I am in Mass and live on a old

    (200 plus years Mill Pond) it took 10 years just to get permits to repair my dam, work they said

    had to be done. I am pretty sure you would never have gotten the permits to build that pond

    here and if you did they would cost a fortune and taken years and years to obtain. Great job

    and good luck with your sale.

  5. Roger pulled me through my first 32 off at a tournament in Uxbridge Ma at

    Fishers Foley I was just thrilled to get through 28 and had never come close to

    running 32 even in practice so when I did I was rather shocked and happy. Took

    me another 20 years to get through 35 and have only done that once in practice

    although hope to change that this year. Did not know Roger well but remember

    he was real helpful and a funny guy.


  6. Lost 25 pounds since mid Feb feel way better really noticed a difference

    when playing hockey. Started the ski season late only skied four days but

    the first time out I got four at 35. I have only run 35 once in my life hope to

    add many more this summer.

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