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Everything posted by VONMAN

  1. Sounds very familiar. Right shoulder in 03 age 53 and left in 10 age 60. Off the water for six months fully back to normal 1 year. Still skiing no problem at 73. Listen to your doctor and do you PT.
  2. @buechsr Good eye yes, there is a course out there and I will be using soon.
  3. Come on @Horton I know you are dying to try it! The C-95 is calling your name, Horton, Horton try me first.
  4. Wow, back in the day the boats couldn't have a moving plate/tab, how things have changed. Well I don't feel bad that on my 1992 BareFoot Warrior outboard I start with the motor tucked in to pull up the skier and when they are up hit the up trim button 4 or 5 clicks and bingo smooth as butter wake. I never knew you guys have it so tough in the drivers seat. Just kidding.
  5. Wouldn't you want the bunks to be the same spacing as the stringers in the boat for the best support? Just asking.
  6. Sorry guys I've been having so much fun with skiing the C-95. After a full page of fin tuning I've settled on my numbers. 6.850 2.425 .836 7deg CG right 29.25" What's taking so long is that I had to adjust to the ski. With this ski you become the rider/passenger. The biggest thing I had to adjust to is don't be aggressive with this ski. It seems to do and know when to do it with very little effort on my part. It's fast, gets great angle, early and wide. In the turns let go of the handle reach and turn complete waiting for you to complete your stack for the boat to pick you up. Try to snap turn it or aggressive hip drop, well you better be ready! All the Denali's so far have been evolution of designs, but the C-95 has it all in one package. Keep in mind I'm still free skiing it. So for now here is some video at 32 and 35off at 32mph. MVI_0003.MOV MVI_0004.MOV
  7. @scoke I want to thank you for helping me save my money. And I wouldn't want to be the one you blame if you buy one. I've been on this journey since the C-65 and it hasn't been a disappointment so far. @Horton Not a hoax, Photoshop.
  8. @scoke Sorry no video at this time and in the tuning phase still only free skiing. My ski routine has been 32, 35, and 38off 32.3 mph behind 3 different boats. My 1992 Bare Foot Warrior with Perfect Pass Star Gazer, a 1999 Malibu Response and a 1992 Malibu Euro. The ski feels just as good behind all three. Changes made so far has been moving the front boot forward from 29" to 29.25", better. Then moved to 29.50 and could feel the forebody engaging on my offside turn. So at that point why not try dropping my hip a little more. That made the ski turn quick! C-75 quick. Maybe a little to quick for my body at this age. So I added some more tip to the length, new number to try 6.860 tips. My knees are not what they once were, so hopefully the next time I go out skiing all will be better. Will post more as it goes. When I finally settle on my tuning numbers I will post video.
  9. Thanks @MarcusBrown Great info and video! A must study for all skier's. Beginners to Pro's.
  10. @ghutch A standard fin, no CG. I had a extra one from 2018-19 prototype testing days.
  11. @WriteStuff You really describe what I've been feeling skiing the C-95 spot on. My first to sets on it had me scratching my head. So having been a Denali skier since 2018, all four designs I understand how they ski. After comparing the fin numbers of my C-75, C-85 and boot placement I came up with numbers that would be a good base. Boy was I wrong, they weren't just good they are great! Keep in mind these are numbers that work for me. Length (tips) Depth (head) Tail (head) Wing (flat) Front boot 6.848 2.454 .836 7 29.0 The length and tail numbers came from my C-85. The depth can from C-75. The front boot came from both the C-75 and C-85. Oh and the fin was replaced with a right foot forward CG fin. I have tested the CG fin on about 5 different competitor and it always improves the ski. So why didn't it come with it? Moving on, the ski is less work, symmetrical quick turns that seem not to require much input from the skier. (auto turn much like the C-75 but user friendly). The width it gets is crazy, but the ski seems to slow it down so the line stays nice and controlled tight. The last four days the wind down in Florida has been 10+. Head, tail and cross wind doesn't seems to bother it. The big thing I noticed is once you get use to ski it takes the work load off you. Yesterday I tried being aggressive, dropping the hip hard and snapping the handle back early. All that can happen but the extra work load takes it's toll. You are just a passenger with this ski, so enjoy all that it has to offer. Right now the only changes I'm thinking about trying is moving the the front boot to 29.25".
  12. Found the fin settings for C-95 large 32.3mph skiers on the first tune. At this point all I can say is WOW! Will follow up with a write up soon. Sorry going skiing now. Thanks to the Adam's great design!
  13. @scoke I'm 5' 9" at 190 lbs skiing @ 32.3mph Perfect Pass Star Gazer. I will be 74 in July. The ski came with a different tune then stock and the first run on it was like the C-85, but with less effort needed from me. Offside felt better than onside (R F Forward). With the fin setting well documented I reset the fin to the stock settings, but that didn't work for me at all. Adam Caldwell and I have talked and new fin and front boot placement are going to be tried. With that said last Monday I twisted my left knee working in the garage, that and being out of town for a couple of days. So right now I'm chomping on the bit to ski on my new toy. First impression after being on 3 Denali designs, this one will be easy for the D-3, Radar, and HO crowd to relate to and enjoy. Who wouldn't love a 65" ski that performs like a 67 or 68 inch ski. I know I wouldn't have thought it possible.
  14. @Mastercrafter Sorry, but I started skiing back when 55's didn't exist. (Walled Lake 1988) And then 13 years at Dixboro, they have 55's but the short setup on the one end is a moot point. You have to start your pull out at the 55's.
  15. My new Denali C-95 large came yesterday and did a fin check to see if the numbers were close to the published numbers, they were way off?! Waiting to hear back to see if they preset the fin to a new setup. Raining here now but will get out for a maiden run soon. First look over great looking ski. Design cues, full body rocker and some interesting bevel blends at the rear tail section. With a little wider cross section under the front foot.
  16. @Mastercrafter That seems way to early. You would have time for a smoke and a pancake before rolling in for the gate.
  17. @S1Pitts Will do as soon as I get my hands on it. Stay tuned.
  18. OK kids today is my shipping date for a C-95 large ski. So if you have any new fin and front boot numbers other than the stock numbers that you would be willing to share please do. It will reduce the tuning time. I will be starting off with the stock numbers, I learned my lesson with the C-85 by not doing that first. Ha! Thanks ahead of time.
  19. @Horton Point well taken. What can I say, I'm old with some timer's. 🤪
  20. @Horton It's the first time I've heard anyone post something like this. Sorry my bad. If I'm Pandas worthy bring them on. I consider them a badge of honor.
  21. Great info, second time reading it. Going back to Nate's great turns. Could his secret weapon be the length of his ski. When I started ski four decades ago the in thing to have a short ski for quick turns. If you were on a 65 or 66 inch ski that was the trick. Me being 200lbs+ needed a 67" ski or my turns would be hockey stops around the ball. When ever I would try a 66" ski I just couldn't carry the speed around the ball. Look at Nate probably a great candidate for a 65" ski but his ski of choice is 67". Could it be the length has the extra volume to keep him moving/support to carry him around the ball? So here I am on a 65" Denali large, having fun and enjoying it's great turns. This has been very informative keep it rolling.
  22. Baller 466 Baller Posted December 19, 2023 @HortonBack in 2008 I was struggling with my 35off pass and one of the skier's in the club who could run 38off turned me on to super sets. He had me start my next set at 32off cold off the dock. I'm thinking I never start 32off the dock but what the heck! I run the first pass, the second, the third and at the end of the fourth I drop at the end and I'm feeling winded. I focus on making a smooth 5th pass and I broke thought and found I'm in the zone now. Pass 6, 7, 8, and 9 were just as smooth. The only reason I stopped was I was getting dirty looks from people on the start dock. (our rule was 6 passes or 3 falls per set) No missed gates and all perfect end course times. Needless to say I ran more 32's that summer and 35's were now starting to fall which gave me a peek at 38off.
  23. @Horton This is sounding like "super sets" that I brought up a few months ago just renamed. Just saying.
  24. @Adam Caldwell I've noticed under fin settings for the C-95 that there are settings for standard five hole fin and CG rh and lh fins? Do 2 fins come with the ski? What have you found in testing? Waiting to press the buy button.
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