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Everything posted by jcamp

  1. I had a 2001 Sportster and loved that boat. It is basically the sports cars of tournament ski boats. That being said, it had a pretty hard wake, small as it was. The MC 190 will have a considerably better wake.
  2. Events can rightfully so justify different payouts when entry fees fund a large portion of can-prize pool and one gender has more entrants than the other. But paying more to men because "men are better," well, that's a quite bit more tenuous.
  3. @skikolb Is the boat still located at Lapoint's? Will be skiing there in a couple weeks.
  4. My last new ski resulted in an increase in my PB of three buoys and boosted my average by 3.5.
  5. Dane is one of the best guys in the sport. Could very easily be a top pro if he decided not to pursue a business career but his talents go beyond skiing.
  6. A tip I'd recommend is that when the boat gets off centerline (and it will happen, a lot), don't worry about correcting immediately, which usually just leads to overcorrection, then a waggle down the whole course. Instead, slowly try to get the boat back to center by the next set of boat guides.
  7. Twin Lakes is a great club an hour-plus north of the city. They have a driver on site daily throughout the summer and host 3-4 tournaments a year.
  8. I went to the rulebook. The very first line reads: "Each Federation which is affiliated with the IWWF shall have the right to select a team of skiers to represent their Federation in the World Championships." Any new organization would have to be recognized by the USOC in order to be affiliated by the IWWF. Same probably goes for scores to get onto the world rankings list or into the worlds as a non-team member. Also, rule 16.02 reads "Records may be set only at tournaments homologated as a Record Capability Event by the IWWF, a Confederation, a Federation, or the Tournament Council of the IWWF." Any record set at a non-USAWS sanctions event would not be recognized as an IWWF world record. And @Jody_Seal while we are "chatting," do you still have that yellow 197 for sale?
  9. From @Jody_Seal's post: "The only requirement is that the national governing body of that team or competitor be affiliated with the iwwsf." From earlier in the thread: "In order to be an IWWF national federation, the federation must be recognized by the USOC as the NGB." Am I missing something here?
  10. @klindy I still contend that scores set in competitions sanctioned by non-IWWF entities would not be eligible for the IWWF world rankings list (or IWWF world records). Thus US skiers won't be able to be qualified for the worlds and other international unless they compete out of the country in other IWWF national federations. Just one complication that I can think of off the top of my head is the R and L tournament requirements that a Pan American judge be there. That is not likely to happen. USAWS would claim that they are THE NGB in the US and pressure the IWWF to not allow Pan American judges to participate in non-USAWS events. I'm sure there are other similar obstacles. Looking at it another way, would the IWWF have ever accepted INT scores for the world rankings list? Would USAWS have ever allowed its judges or its certification process to be used by INT to submit scores to the IWWF list? No, they would't have.
  11. @Chef23 I'm specifically looking at this section from above: "The IWWF is recognized by the International Olympic Committee as the international governing body for water skiing worldwide. In order to be an IWWF national federation, the federation must be recognized by the USOC as the NGB." If we aren't part of USAWS, we wouldn't be "recognized by the USOC," thus not a IWWF national federation. Not sure how scores or participants from a non-IWWF national federation (which we wouldn't be if we weren't part of USAWS) could be included in IWWF rankings or events.
  12. I don't think the "6" skier reading is accurate. How many skiers ski in Senior Worlds? Junior Worlds? Pan Ams, Can Ams, etc. It sounds like all these opportunities would go away as a AWSA dis-affiliated with USAWS would not be part of the IWWF. So nobody from the US could set World Records? Nobody from the US could be on the world rankings list? I'm pretty far down but admit that I enjoy seeing my name on the list and moving up a bit on it over the past few years. And I'm not not quite good enough to ski in the Senior Worlds, but it is a realistic goal of mine if I am able to continue improving and stay healthy (and some of my better competitors die off). I ski in the little 'ol East but know a bunch of skiers who have competed in some of these tournaments and our region is better off for it.
  13. @eleeski I bet the Nautique marketing guys just LOVE you calling it the Bryant 200 :-)
  14. Wednesday beer-leagues, ability based scoring, handicapping, etc., ALL those things can be done within the existing rules and tournament structures. The fact is though that most tournaments choose to run the traditional 2- or 3-round format, probably because that is what the market (skiers) wants.
  15. I'd bet that this was 100% a requirement of the insurance company that insures USAWS. USAWS didn't wake up one day and say "let's make it harder to be involved in the sport." What insurance company in the world right now wouldn't be aware of these issues and the potential lawsuits around them and require their policy holders to take steps to avoid them?
  16. I have to do something similar this year to be an assistant coach for 3-4th grade baseball. This is just the world we live in now and not USAWS' or USOC' fault. It's the perverts' (and other abusers) fault and they should be catching crap for it, not USAWS or the USOC.
  17. That scratch looks terrible. The boat is completely totaled. Do not bid on it.
  18. And nice to see that karma paid Luca back when he won the Boys 1 national title a couple weeks later! Congrats Luca and Dad Pol.
  19. Well @Stevie Boy I gotta say that arguing that the sanctity of DFT measurements or the latest ZO settings is more important that stopping abuse in the sport is an odd argument, but I guess everyone has the right to an opinion. Maybe things would have been different for a lot of young women if investigators had asked more questions about Larry Nassar 20 years ago.
  20. @wish pgraf 1) doesn't owe you anything, and 2) probably has more important work to do than getting into online discussions with someone who is unable to comprehend the meaning of "pertinent observations" or "experience." The fact that you don't know what they mean PROBABLY means you aren't a victim in this case and you can just move on and let the professionals do their jobs. Is this really the hill you want to die on?
  21. @wish sometimes victims are reluctant to come forward and/or not really sure how to do so. I think when there is enough credibility behind initial charges investigators should be proactive in their efforts to discover the true scale of any potential misconduct.
  22. Another option is to have your AWSA club (or start a new one just for this purpose) be the name on the permit. It is debatable how good the actual insurance is, but if you NEED to put a name on it, it will work and would be better than your own name.
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