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Posts posted by Zman

  1. My ski partner runs his 89 Ski Brendella on nothing but regular gas. Runs great.

    Definitely install a new fuel line that is compatible with today's gasoline, soon. We replaced his a couple years ago, and the inside was collapsing, and one section was so brittle that when I bent it slightly, it broke in two.

    As others have noted, never let today's fuel lay dormant and untreated for long periods in your tank or carb. Heck, even gas before ethanol was added could not remain dormant in a carb over a long winter. Back in the 80's I rebuilt many carbs that had simply become plugged up with 'varnish' left behind as the gas evaporated from the carb. Usually, a simple disassemble, clean out the varnish, replace soft parts, and reassemble.

    Always run your carb dry before layup.

    Very sharp looking boat you have!

  2. I have seen this happen pretty much as you described. In that case, it turned out to be the water strainer clear plasitc body was not fully seated - which was allowing a small amount of air to enter the cooling water system when underway. Apparently, it doesn't take much air intrusion to get that low level, stage 1 temperature alarm.

    Great list for troubleshooting posted by @Kelvin

  3. 61-1/2 years old when my ACL surgery was done. Worked hard with a Physical Therapist that rehabs local HS and college athletes with similar injuries. Passed a series of Biodex isokinetic muscle tests at 6 months. Skied a week later, first tourny a few weeks after that.

    Regina, although competing at a MUCH higher level, will crush my timeline.

    But, as noted by @RazorRoss3 and others, the body mechanisms for rebuilding a tendon graft from elsewhere in the leg into a strong ACL is 9 to 12 months. Big key for return to skiing is strong muscles all around the knee, which Regina already has, and will quickly rebuild in her rehab.

    Best wishes for a quick and full recovery, Regina!

  4. @swbca

    Glad it is at least working now. But, definitely should have worked just fine with the standard gearbox. Mine has lifted a 3300 lb Txi just fine for many years.

    I suspect there is a component in your system that allows it to work OK when lifting slowly (less power being transferred) - such as using the manual wheel, the drill, or the 1/80 gearbox. Besides the pulleys as others have noted - be sure you are using the same cable and cable diameter as originial, and the cables are all installed correctly with the proper amount of slack and tension per the manufacturers assembly instructions. My Craftlander had instructions for adjusting the tension on the cables. If too snug, trying to move a little faster might be creating extra drag in the system. Have you checked the Shorelander assembly instructions?

  5. For one of your lakes, at 7 feet depth, my experience is that you are right at the depth where weeds may or may not take hold. In GA, I was on a lake where the weeds mostly only existed where depths were 6 feet or less. That can vary depending on location (temps) and variety of weed.

    The deeper lake may only be an issue along shorelines. Again, not hard and fast guide, there are plenty of variable.

    Go with more flow, cooler temps.

    May want to add a small amount of grass carp to eat any growth as it gets started, if you start to see any concern. A little grassy growth along the shores should be fine.


  6. @MichaelWiebe As the residents take over the HOA, better hope that most are very skier friendly. Otherwise, putting in a course, and having calm times may (will) be a huge challenge. How many home sights on the smallish lake?

    I hope it does all work out well though. Looks very nice. And, that part of Florida needs more skier options.

  7. @MISkier Lol, I did come close to hitting a gator on Lake Tennessee in Auburndale, FL.

    Worst thing I did hit in my early days in WV was a wood pole floating vertical with one end about an inch out of the water, I was in a toe hold barefooting. I went flipping through the air. The shock up my leg was crazy. Fortunately, the damage was not so bad. Lucky.

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