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Posts posted by skierjp

  1. I was in the boat and they used mine for part of the event, the 4 ball was as close as they could get it to the shore.

    Sand Lake or Turkey Lake would be awesome choices.

    What about the lake off I 4 in Altamont Springs? They hosted the disabled nationals a few years ago.

  2. I can't imagine the backlash if Nautique would have flexed their muscle and reversed the judges decision. I think Greg Meloon, Brian Sullivan and Greg Davis did the right thing. Did the Chief Judge make the right call? Possibly not. It's over with and I think we need to move on. I think Nautique needs to be applauded for wanting to involve the participants in a advisory committee. One question that needs to be answered is what class was the night time finals being run by?
  3. The OP said he was sitting in the water at the end of the course. We don't know what end the other boat was coming from. If the other boat came from the far end he probably didn't see the ski boat at the other end. Technically the course is not in use and the boat with the police officers had every right to enter the course. Once again, this is the big problem, we ASSUME that other boaters know what we consider common courtesy in a slalom course.
  4. I'm not a fan of this rule, if you want to ski more then 1 pass if you miss the gates ski a F ( fun) tournament. You get a guaranteed 4 passes, plus the entry price is sometimes less. I knew this rule would lead to skiers misrepresenting it.
  5. It has always amazed me how WE slalom skiers assume that everyone knows what a slalom course is. Put yourself in their shoes and lets just say someone came up to you and said, could you stop skiing while we ride our jet skis? I don't think the outcome or your response would be polite. On my lake we have 4 surveyed courses and many of the home owners have jet skis. We have yet to have a problem with a jet ski or another boater damaging a course. Yes sometimes it's aggravating when you want to ski and someone is fishing in the middle of the course or a jet ski is using it as a motor cross track, but I've yet to ever ask someone to stop riding their jet ski or move from their fishing spot so I could ski. And yes sometimes I wish I lived on a totally private ski lake.
  6. The depth finder will sometimes read 100' when hanging in the boat house or if you beach the boat. My fuel gauge works fine. You can put a couple gallons of gas in it after it reads 100%. I also have no trouble filling it at gas stations. It will take gas from the pump at full speed and not blow back. Mine is a 14 team.
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