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Posts posted by bkreis

  1. @horton after having ruptures both, almost 10 years apart from each other, get an mri asap as the biceps tendon blood supply is minimal so bruising/discoloration may not show. with that said you have a small window to have it fixed if it is ruptured without doing a tendon graft if you were to wait too long.
  2. i just held 3 rnd slalom, 2 round trick in Miami, wanted to keep it fun, hang out for lunch( we provided home cooked food) for 20ish skiers...ended up with 23..cost was 50usd/per skier and anyone who skied paid..went off brilliantly, had some pb's, great company, great food, fun people and all really appreciative of not only hosting, but keeping the cost down. requests are coming in to do it again..we stopped 45 min. for lunch and all got to catch up or meet new people. simple easy fun
  3. greater Miami ski club where aaron larkin is, is flat out awesome! granted I call it home, so a little biased..however he is a great coach, and our club is very welcoming and close to everything!
  4. They have fantastic grip, are thin for those that like to really feel the handle, and last longer than any other glove in warm florida water, personally I like a double layer amara palm, but I really connect with the handle differently with these in terms of adding and releasing pressure into and out of line tension
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