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Everything posted by Broussard

  1. http://reflexwaterskiusa.com/product/reflex-release-protector/
  2. Rig up the old course and get the guys that use the 4 buoy to pull theirs out and use the 6...
  3. @gt2003 ahh gotcha. You can replace the tow eye with a mini pylon if you really want to buy that would be about the only option.
  4. @gt2003 How did you expect to mount it? Duct tape?
  5. The weight racks that MasterCraft toyed with for a while in the new Prostar seemed to be a good option as far as having weight without ruining a boat.
  6. @harddock it also requires 6 more anchors and buoys
  7. How did you score mini course and gates?
  8. Having off water activities is definitely a great idea! Thanks guys!
  9. Looking to host a fun tournament to try and get kids back into the sport. Any suggestions?
  10. I believe we have the adapter plates here at Bennetts http://www.3eventstore.com
  11. Try getting into the back position and skiing around. A drill I use to get beginners to weight their front foot and learn control of the ski is having them remove their back foot and ski around eventually crossing and jumping the wake with one foot.
  12. @Wish I agree and prefer the Prostar w/o a tower
  13. @schafer A tower. @Wish the position of the tower on the Prostar will not effect slalom.
  14. The problem is that our sport is not accessible enough. I know people that would be interested in tournaments but these days slalom courses are few and far between due to laws, permitting, and "no wake zones." If we want to grow the sport, we need to make it more accessible on public water.
  15. Ouch, yeah two tubes is a lot of force on the pylon...
  16. Lake Colorant by Helena Chemical
  17. try mixing toilet bowl cleaner and water in a potato sprayer. Spray mixture onto the hull and let sit. You may need to use a brush to loosen some up and will have to go back and hit some spots again.
  18. In my opinion the teak platforms look better and nicks can be easily fixed unlike fiberglass.
  19. I find the wake of the Prostar to be much smaller and softer than the 200.
  20. The two original red and white Prostars were destroyed once actual production began.
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe last year's event was pulled with prototypes and not production boats.
  22. Sweet! Thought I saw you on the shore line at regionals!
  23. I have some spare equipment… handles, ropes, gloves, etc. Living on site with a full pro shop during summer makes it pretty easy though.
  24. @Skoot1123 I would assume that it would not matter on a private lake. Many people ski with a non-CGA vest and trick with nothing.
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