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Everything posted by BRY

  1. "but western 900 feet is <175 wide" hmmmm, trick course also?
  2. @Karlbach The Senate C in now the Senate Graphite. They do release new ski's every year. They just released the new Vapor at Nationals a few weeks ago. They don't have all the sizes cut for that yet, was told it will be "a while" for the others. If you really are serious about progressing quickly and budget is not an issue, get a Theory. The Theory is a step up from P6 and ideal for your speed up to 55K. Senate kinda best fits those in the 52K to -28 range. Once you are running 52K over 80% of the time dump it and get a Vapor (or whatever is best for you at that time). That will then give you a platform to go to 58K and cutting line. The Theory is ideal for building the fundamentals of stack and handle control. Learn that at lower speeds and you will be far ahead in this game.
  3. Nice site! Doesn't look 225 wide but 2500x225 50' below grade is freaking perfect. +1 for @OB1 using a portable first to determine best position. 30' is doable but seems pretty deep to deal with anchors. Too deep to safely free dive. Also needs lots of tension (to sub buoys) to keep straight or any asymmetric wind will push it out of alignment. I think cables side to side, like at Okeeheelee, is a better way to go. Anchors (fence posts driven in work well) are in knee deep water so easy to adjust/repair/maintain. Handles fluctuating water levels very well also. Keeps 4X courses in record tolerance with the crazy, continuous water fluctuation from FL rains. I believe Miami Ski Club uses same as well, think 5 slalom courses there.
  4. I have both an older black shell and a newer white cuff and also can't tell any difference. I also run my upper buckle snug, not tight but no play either. Do like the heel strap, mine is set to definitely limit too much forward flex. Don't think I've ever felt it but like the idea of it.
  5. Stretching is good but a warm up routine even better. Some light push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, lunges, short jog, short swim. Don't hit it cold. Keep it warm. Wet suit, dry suit, heater top, wear whatever keeps it warm even if water is warm. 85 degree water is still cool to your back. Keep it warm even if people give you crap about wearing something. Anytime you lose connection to the boat, let go. Doesn't have to be slack, any bang is bad, just let go. Get a real, trained trainer who understands skiing (like Jenny LaBaw) to set up a training regimen and warm up routine for you. Follow it. Smile as you go through the gates!
  6. To the question "Would you be more likely to ski Nationals if slalom were a type of turn and burn?", No, I would be much less likely to ski Nationals as I would most likely be excluded (not qualify) do to the cut in number of skiers necessary to account for the extra time. I am for more skiers at Nationals, not fewer skiers who get more skiing. Rules for T&B would need to be altered significantly to fit the above proposal. Rule 13.03 Turn and Burn Format A. DEFINITION: In Class C, unseeded tournaments and at the discretion of the LOC, a skier may elect to begin his FINAL round of a multi-round SLALOM event immediately upon the completion of his current round; i.e. "turn and burn (T&B)." 1. Can only be offered in unseeded Class C, and F tournaments. Seeded tournaments refer to those that give awards including awards for placement. In does NOT mean the arbitrary groupings - ability and otherwise - that may be used in many slalom tournaments. 2. Only applies to FINAL round of a multi-round SLALOM event, not to the trick or jump events. 3. T&B is an OPTION for the skier - must not be mandatory. 4. Rule 13.01.D does not apply when using this format. B. BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT: 1. Use of the T&B format should be in the tournament announcement, title or comments section. Alternatively, telephone or other electronic communication should be made with the skier prior to the tournament announcing the format. 2. In planning skier groupings and official's assignments 3 minutes should be added to the time allotment for each skier that the LOC anticipates will use the format. C. DURING THE TOURNAMENT: 1. Skier can either: a. Establish intent to T&B at the starting dock OR b. Signal boat crew immediately upon completion of a round using an agreed upon signal. 2. T&B must begin at the drop area near the starting dock where all previous rounds began. 3. Skier may elect to start at any speed/line length they choose - similar to a normal round. C. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Officials and tournament directors should be aware of the planning needed to make this format run smoothly. 2. There must be excellent communication between tower officials, scorers and boat crew during last two rounds. 3. LOCs in regions that allow regional records to be set in Class C tournaments must be sure that this format does not clash with those policies. BTW, I have skied and like T&B tournaments. They are particularly good for smaller, weekday tournaments that start later in the day yet still get three rounds.
  7. He has pictures up now. Sweet boat! http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Comp_Boat&postid=33730
  8. BTW, a shout out to the Ski Club of the Palm Beaches and all the other workers at Nationals. Thanks and great job.
  9. Still in Honeymoon phase and not quite set up perfect yet, but Best Ski Ever. If you are in M4 for 2016 and M5 for 2017 on do not buy this ski, do not.....
  10. Here is a snippet from an e-mail thread I received back around March of 2015: In terms of the overall participation rates, below is some statistical history which may help put things in to perspective. While the total USAWS member is declining along with AWSA Sport Division membership, participation at the AWSA US Nationals is actually declining at a much slower rate. In fact, by percentage of AWSA membership, participation actually INCREASING. For reference, the Ranking List appeared in 2007 prior to that the Rating System (EP’s) was used to determine Nationals qualification (along with placements). ....... Total ....... USAWS AWSA % AWSA to Nationals % of AWSA Year Members Members Total Member Skiers Members @ Nationals 2005 23539 12418 52.76% 845 6.80% 2006 23193 11886 51.25% 756 6.36% 2007 22521 11306 50.20% 668 5.91% 2008 21179 10446 49.32% 793 7.59% 2009 17572 9016 51.31% 729 8.09% 2010 18083 8988 49.70% 740 8.23% 2011 17445 8611 49.36% 655 7.61% 2012 17580 8408 47.83% 654 7.78% 2013 16285 7675 47.13% 661 8.61% 2014 15763 7208 45.73% 621 8.62% So with the previous numbers from @Klindy it is shown that of the target pool, AWSA members, participation at Nationals is up and rides per skier is up. I infer from this that Nationals as it is successfully serves AWSA members, that it is not necessarily "broken". Room for improvement, sure. EDIT: the table reads Year, Total USAWS Members, AWSA Members, % AWSA to Total Member, Nationals Skiers, % of AWSA Members @ Nationals I couldn't seem to get the table to retain format. ???
  11. I am familiar with that boat, it's very nice. Not sure why he doesn't have pic's up, boat looks great. Must have messed up the listing. Anyhow the 6L in a 196 is really fun, Dial A Speed on our short end. Very easy to hit speed exactly while still not ripping the skiers arms out. I have a 200 with a 5.7 and will take my 200 over any 196 but every time I drive that boat I do get Engine Envy.
  12. G-10 It's light, flexy and thick enough to hold screws flush
  13. 500 and 750 shell are the same. On the older 404 the cleat height and cleat size is different on the shell. The 404 releases therefore no good with new shell cleats and my understanding spring on 404 is different from 500/750. Bet the 750 spring kit ($20) works in the 500 (body seems to be the same) but would inquire with Reflex to be sure.
  14. Oh yeah, Harry Potter World just down the street at Universal... That Jodi Fisher and the LaPoint's are crazy close has nothing to do with it, nothing at all...
  15. @jnicol Disneyland is nice but was the first try. Disney World is way better. More parks with Magic Kingdom (essentially an improved copy of Disneyland), Epcot, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom (actually pretty cool) along with Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach water parks. Outside the parks is Downtown Disney with good restaurants, shows and Disney atmosphere (west coast one dinky in comparison, squeezed in). All are big, very cool and Disney makes it possible to go to multiple parks in a day. A lot more for a full vacation and more for you money (you think skiing is expensive, wait till you hit a theme park). Other than travel potentially more the price is about the same. So thinking of your family and your investment in the trip it is the way to go. That Jodi Fisher and the LaPoint's are crazy close has nothing to do with it, nothing at all...
  16. @Tdub out four times a week, nice! Here is a link for the rule book. Don't let it intimidate you, most is stuff a slalom competitor needed worry about or doesn't apply. Just browse pages 44 to 62 and your good to go! Any questions just ask. And go to a tournament, have fun! As Warren would say, “If you don't do it this year, you will be one year older when you do.” http://www.usawaterski.org/pages/divisions/3event/2015AWSARuleBook.pdf
  17. @SailorDave17 +1 for MasterLine and InTow. Both are the actual manufacturers of the handles. You can call either/both and discuss with them, they are true experts who will help guide you. Both cost about the same, both high quality products. They both will then string up the exact handle that is best for you, only takes a couple days. At the tournaments it seems 90% of the skiers are on these two brands, mostly Masterline. When I was having elbow issues I looked around at what everyone was using and the only consistent thing seemed to be total randomness. 12' or 13", bent or straight, spectra or polypro and particularly size seemed all personal preference. Almost all could say why they have the handle they had but that's just they have experience. But it all varied and conflicted. I'm sure you find that as helpful as I did, not. So for what you asked, a straight up recommendation, get an InTow 13" spectra bent 1.03 or 1.062 with cross bar and no tubing. Great first handle. 13" gives you more room to grab, harder to miss. I never noticed a leverage difference between 12" and 13". Spectra because it is noticeably lighter, less wind resistance (things I didn't think mattered till I got one) and is more durable. Size 1.03 or 1.062 as that is not big or small, will work well and give you an specific idea for your next one. Bent as I believe it really helps prevent elbow tendonitis and better leverage. The In-Tow bend is mild and once my elbows got better I switched back to straight for a bit. I like the way my hands land with the bent better, feels more natural and seems better leverage. Cross bar as it's not noticeable and may save your life. Unlikely you will ever need it and debate if they do anything but I see no downside and huge potential upside so stick it on (#1 reason for InTow over Masterline).
  18. @SailorDave17 There are factory stock settings for pretty much any ski. Definitely the best place to start. The .pdf shows the settings for the 2012 HO skis, use the ones for your length ski. If you are not sure how to set up here are a couple real good video's: Buy yourself a decent set of digital calipers and wing angle gauges. Settings matter, regardless of ability. Proper settings won't make you better but bad settings will kill you. IMHO the better the skier, the more they can adapt to bad settings though they know the settings suck. The weaker a skiers position and confidence the worse bad settings are, the skier thinks it's them and the ski will not reward skiing correctly. Bad settings can be quite entertaining for the boat crew but won't help you progress. Ski it a few times stock and if possible go see a real pro. Then ski, ski a lot...
  19. Get a tripod pylon, they work great. Something like this http://www.attwoodmarine.com/store/product/ski-tows-fixed-height Mount it a bit in front of the engine box and with the rope attachment point as low as possible but high enough the line is not catching on the hull/fittings. I just cut down the main tube to the height I wanted. I was able to get under my floor, between the stringers and use a SS backing plate (locally fabricated) to bolt to. For the side mounts I added 1/2" marine plywood backing under the gunnels and used over sized SS washers. Worked great. I had a Glastron outboard but helped a buddy do same with his I/O. Was "quick release" with pins to remove but ended up just leaving it there all the time. Boat drove and skied way better but all relative, still not the same as a tournament boat. I also got large dock box handles and mounted over the rear cleats, kept them useable but slack line would skip right over.
  20. Play resumes, Frederick and Andy up.
  21. Rain, lightning hold right now, 1:40 ET. Some great skiing so far. Rodgers and Halt looked real strong.
  22. In-tow with the spectra. Much lighter and less wind drag. Didn't think it would be noticeable but it is, my wife really loves it. Both In-Tow and Masterline are top quality products though.
  23. I ran PS5's for three years and worked surprisingly well for me, I'm 6'1" and at the time 230. I simply covered the entire plate with 250 clear. Never had a pre-release and came off just fine the couple times I needed to each season. I did cut holes for where the boot bolts go through though. I did change it each year. PS5's were the only double hard shell I could seem to ski in as they allow the rear heel to come up, even with a tight arch buckle (gotta have that to be safe in a hard shell). I did have one fall where I lightly sprained my ankle when I crushed forward and sort of fell "through" the front boot. Not sure any boot would necessarily release in that one but did feel like the back was holding the front on. Just an issue with any single plate system, perhaps GatorMod would have fixed that. On Reflex with "R" rear, love it and feel I can get my hips forward easier. RTP was too free for me, heel kept sliding to edge of ski.
  24. At $19.97 for 12 issues (2yrs) that's only $1.65 an issue. I find it entertaining enough, less expensive and better for my buoy count than a Big Mac.
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