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Everything posted by E_T

  1. This is just going to fail like the center console boats from a few years back
  2. And here I thought the main demographic here was into the little blue pill
  3. My veins are filled with sweatwater. Unless I am drinking more than 8 in a sitting then it's Miller lite tall boys
  4. @newb sounds easy. But try covering your costs with that low profit margin.
  5. Have jump exhibitions.... I'm sorry that swerve thing is boring. now seeing a man hit a 6' incline doing 60+mph going 220-315feet in the air will bring crowds!! Jump brings the crowds, Wakeboard brings the chicks, Slalom brings the beer, (what else is there to do watching people do a receptive motion over and over again). And then it would be a party
  6. I agree. @elliehorton should do a article on her!
  7. Where does the house chiropractic man stand on this
  8. It was really great to meet everyone this weekend! Let's do it again soon!
  9. @rockdog Shapiro landed the first double front aka speedball
  10. I wouldn't say this is very probable. But a bad damper plate spring. Usually only hear them in reverse for some reason.
  11. The only way for the stripes to look right is with a white deck decade of the down swooping lines and the strait decals
  12. Post it on The Mastercraft Project on FaceBook. If your not on FB I can pass it along to the people in the know
  13. Freddy is the best on the mic. Dano is a show skier who tricks and hangs out with T gas and Zach worden . Calls all the wakeboard events.
  14. The EPA won't know I'm digging a lake or 2 or 3, off the gird baby!
  15. One of my favorite places to get sharp stuff
  16. @horton I'm sure a P.I. Would hire you for your skills.
  17. @ms you drink BLL crap? No sweetwater for you !
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