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Posts posted by kmenard

  1. I like this more than the C2...I also really hate working out, so I tried to get the piece of equipment I could do the most work in the least amount of time.




    Side note: Youtube needs more waterski videos you can watch while rowing.


    I am still fat...but you know...Treehouse beer spares no ones.

  2. 1. I hate myself for how high I ranked graphics. I was lucky my 2017 Vapor is a good ski because I totally bought it for the graphics, the window, and the fact that my ski partner had the lithium.

    2. I ranked who is riding it low, but feel like it needed context...does it matter that someone who skis on a level I never could dream of skis it? No. But when Terry Winter or Joel Hawley who is out there coaching and being very active in the community jumps on a ski, it opens up the skis I would look at.

    3. While I ranked 'brand' a little lower, given how active Brooks is in the community and with any issue I have had, he has given a lot of my brand loyalty to Radar.

    4. I really hate myself for how much of a slave I am to how a ski looks.

  3. I may be in the minority here...but I would sub out that job. The first time I tried to teach my son to ski it was not fun for either of us. I brought him up to a ski club that was doing a learn to ski day. They had a boom and some skis with the cross bar. They started by teaching them position on a rope tied to a tree and in no time he was up and more importantly...enjoying it.


    He then moved to a friends ski boat...boom...then short rope...then long rope, and I am hoping if I get my boat going this year he will ski behind mine...but something about a 540 twin turbo chevy with over transom pipes that kind of scares small children :)

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