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Everything posted by MikeT

  1. Surgery went well according to my surgeon. Started in a splint then to a cast at about 9 days. 15 days post op. Incision needs one more week of heal time to remove staples. Back in cast until Aug 16 (23days post op) and hoping to get the boot next week. My incision has a minor on and off slight burning sensation feel to it but otherwise ok. Kind of like any large cut I would think. Hard to imagine being able to put weight on it, but great to see you guys starting your PT. @Garn, how is it walking with the boot? Glad to see everyone is progressing! Looking to next years ski seaon. Went to East Regionals this weekend and talked to a few people about a better release binding. Few people spoke highly about the Reflex Classic front binding designed to go with RTP. Radar Strada front was suggested as well. Any thoughts. I'm not a hard shell skier
  2. zman, T8-It was my front foot. Not sure what binding I will go back to. we are thinking of going to the bubble buoy now. Gave it some thought before but our club never had a serious discussion about it. Also, spoke to my surgeon today and I'm getting a fiberglass cast next thursday, returning the following week for another look and either the boot or the same cast. my surgeon believes in staying in the cast for 6 weeks. I've spoke to him about using the boot earlier and he said he would consider it. I guess i'd be in a boot 10 wks out anyway. I've done some internet research as maybe you all have and have seen studies that promote using the boot after two weeks and allowing slow weight bearing. I have no interest in skiing until next year but would like to be free of the crutches as soon as possible. I'll be pulling for you guys and I will keep posting my progress and look forward to hear yours. In closing I will have the image of the 5@38 in practice the last time out. going to miss regionals and nationals. I also have had three eye operations over the last year or so to correct and eye muscle problem that causes double vision. i actually ski with sport glasses, no lenses and tape over the right eye to stop the double vision. I've been dealing with this for 3 years now. I've gotten totally used to skiing with one eye however. Not allot of good scores last year though. I was getting back into form last week after a May 11 eye operation.
  3. Hey guys add me to your group. I tore mine last Sunday while skiing. I was coming up to 5 ball at 35 and the next thing I know I'm flying through the air, bouncing on the water. I could tell there was something wrong with my ankle right away. Got to the platform and cut the binding off to find my foot just feeling like it was just dangling there. I still can't believe I didn't pick up that I was going to hit it and be able to pull up. I was using the D3 Leverage binding with rear toe plate. I went out the front and never came out of the binding. Got surgery on Tuesday and I am going Aug 2nd to have a new cast put on. Allot of pain first 24 hours even with percocet then it quieted down quite a bit. My doctor wants to put me in a cast for about 5 more weeks instead of the boot. He said I would come out then and begin PT. I asked about the boot and he says he feels the cast will protect against a re-tear. After talking to a couple of people who had this said by having the boot you at least start exercising your leg and begin getting flexibility in your foot sooner. I have no interest in skiing this year but would like to get off crutches as soon as I can. T8 you said you are having your 2nd cast removed at 12 days post op. I left the hospital with a cast and will second one at 11 days post op. When did you get the second one? What are your doctors recovery protocols for the Achilles?
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