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Everything posted by escmanaze

  1. Alright folks - I need a group 65 battery since that is what fits in my SNOB the best. I go to my local Auto Zone and these are the 3 options. Which one should I pick? Or is the answer none of these 3 and there is a better option. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks
  2. So...now the X-series is the best option instead of the comp? Is that the consensus? Dang, y'all kinda hard to keep up with. 🤣😂
  3. Interesting. I haven't heard about this new puck stuff. I might need to try it.
  4. How about this: I'm 200 pounds and still have to occasionally drop down to 28 mph passes as my opener when I'm really skiing poorly or it has been a while off. My 67" Senate seems *just* enough to make that work out. I still won't regret buying a 2024 67" vapor?
  5. yikes. This is a bit scary. Here's to hoping for the best. However, knowing how publicly traded companies work, there is also certainly reason to fear the worst.
  6. Definitely not on the level that they would be contacting us. So it looks like I just need to look around for some of the locally organized camps. I'll give that a try. Thanks much.
  7. With my 14 year old boy, if we get out an even reasonable amount this year, he might likely make a 28 mph pass. I'm really hoping we can go as a family a LOT to give him that opportunity. For my 11 year old girl, if we get out a bunch, the main goal is to get her deep water starting on 1 ski. I really think she can do it. For my 8 year old boy, I want him to just keep getting more comfortable with the water, right now through kneeboarding. It would be AWESOME if he could end up getting up on 2 skis and on the wakeboard this year, but that feels like a lot to ask at this exact moment. I guess we will see. I haven't really told my kids that these are the goals I'm hoping for. Nevertheless, it would just make my day if some of this progress could actually happen.
  8. If you want to ski like what you see at the 5:00 mark of this video, then the boat will be fine and dandy https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=462203897808301 If, however, you ever want to learn to ski more like this video, then you need a real ski boat.
  9. I'll never forget the day when Scot Chipman was nice enough to invite me out to Stillwater one nice September day to ski with him. I'm on the deck, ski on, handle in hand and he says "Alright, what are you working on?" In my head I was like. "Bro, I ain't workin on nuttin!! I just ski for fun!" But my mind knew that was probably not the right answer so I said something like I was working on my stacked position or something - which certainly is true to some extent, but probably not to the extent that it would be for most of y'all crazies on here. That was the day I realized I'm actually quite a misfit in this sport. The poll results above seem to bear that out. 3 out of 4 people on this forum are heading into the season with a solid plan to work toward improvement. I have no other plan than to enjoy swerving lake time with my family on a hot afternoon. Hopefully we can still be friends?
  10. I mean...let's put it this way. HO has been SO successful with that Hovercraft, that they have now caused Connelly to re-introduce to the market, the Big Easy! But if those are just too far overboard for you, I suppose, I kinda understand. Then you could look to the Connelly Big Daddy, or Outlaw, which are just less far down that same road. And then the least far down that road would probably be the Radar Session. Just depends on how much you really meant to say "easiest".
  11. Also, what's with the weird shaped swim deck on Kandi?
  12. I love it. Please keep ordering them with Towers Horton. One of these days, I'm going to be buying one of these on the Western used market and I need it with a tower. Let's get a bunch of those available all around the west please. P.S. I love the MC tower. It is so minimalist and out of the way for slalom. Interfaces with bimini excellently. So awesome.
  13. @HortonThanks. That's helpful info. @elr Yes for sure, I love that idea. Unfortunately this coming summer particularly, there will be some job items getting in the way of making that possible.
  14. So...I know we can't talk politics on here. But I don't know how to avoid it and I don't know where else to go to ask. So I'm going to go ahead and throw this up here and hope it doesn't turn into a firestorm and pray that maybe there's a chance, if folks can behave, that it won't get deleted or get me banned or something and that just maybe I can get some good answers from those of you in the know. My teenage boy is now quite interested in attending a summer ski camp to work on improving his skills and having a cool camp experience. His PB this year was 25 mph at full line length. If we skied a bunch before a July-ish camp, I think I could have him up to about 28 mph at full line length or even 15 off. This point becomes the point where stacking up etc. becomes critical, and I believe the best age for him to begin taking advantage of the coaching that would be available at a camp. However, he is still at a very young and impressionable age where I feel like I would really still like to have some control and say over who I allow to take full ownership over him for a full week at a time. So...I'm asking the question. Now I will accept the consequences to follow, whatever they may be, and hope to maybe get some useful answers.
  15. Alright I just started listening. I'm really enjoying it. But I'm just now figuring out that I should have waited until they were all up for free before starting because now I'm going to be tempted to pay money that could go toward my next ski instead.
  16. Sounds like a dang war zone out there. Sorry guys. I'm grateful to be on Utah lake where the max depth is 13 feet, average depth is closer to 9 feet, and frankly the surf waves just can't develop well in such small depth. It does sound like some legislation might need to be in order here to keep the HUGE boats on the bigger lakes.
  17. https://www.ford.com/cmslibs/content/dam/brand_ford/en_us/brand/cpo/pdf/2023_Ford_Bronco_Towing_Info_Dec16.pdf Wow!! That Bronco is weak sauce when it comes to towing!! 3,500 pounds? Seriously? I have that rating on my Mitsubishi Outlander!! I guess you could get the Bronco Raptor and get up to 4,500 pounds. Then maybe I would feel ok about it. Personally, I wouldn't go out and buy a vehicle rated for 3,500 pounds knowing the intention would be to sometimes pull a boat with it. Lots of awesome vehicles out there. I would try to find one rated for at least 5,000 pounds, personally.
  18. I own a SNOB and Love it!! I'm a 15 off guy. I would dare anybody to pass a blind taste test between my wakes and the CB, at least at the speeds I run. The only boat I've ever skied that even touches my boats wakes are the new prostar - probably a tiny touch better. Every other boat I have ever skied has a wake that is at least "noticeably" larger and/or harder than my boat. Some are saying my boat turns bad at deep shortline. I can't confirm or deny, I'm not good enough to be skiing there. My buddy had a 93 SNOB, and after skiing my boat, he knew he had to get to the TSC hull, so he went out and found himself a great 99 snob and loves it. And older fella in our club used to have the 206. His opening pass was shorter than -22, so he thought the 206 was just dandy. Those who were at -15 and slower speeds didn't think it was dandy at all. FWIW, I also make pretty good use of my open bow as well. And I didn't really lose much storage since it is a step over open bow. I have nothing but a ringing endorsement for my SNOB. I will ONLY ever replace it with a 2014+ prostar. Here is my youtube channel that shows some various speeds behind my boat. Any footage at Utah Lake is my boat. A few Calls Fort videos on there are on a 200.
  19. I can't speak for Malibu, but I have the Nautique equivalent roughly. We LOVE our step over open bow boat. Obviously it's very important to know that there are times it can be used and times it shouldn't be used, and obviously, as a driver, it's another factor to take into account, and a basic accounting of common sense seems to work great for us. However, as I go through life, I'm beginning to realize how many really dumb people are out there, and the numbers seem to be going up as time marches along. More and more, we as a society "just can't have nice things" anymore. So at that point, it probably is about time, in the decline of our society, that boats like this not be built anymore. Really too bad, because we absolutely love it.
  20. I have a 7 year old also. I actually tell them at that age that I won't even let them try waterskiing until they have shown me on the kneeboard that they aren't scared of taking a crash off their knees on the kneeboard at 15 mph. Once they are kneeboarding aggressively at 15 mph and aren't scared of crashing at that speed, then allow them to try the skis. HO skis with the bar on the front and the weights in the back for best results. For my other kids, it has always been right around 7-9, depending on their overall exposure to water in general, but it happens. Keep having fun on the lake and they get there. No need for tears. Save those for funerals, not for the lake.
  21. I feel like we need to collaborate to write up some sort of standardized documentation that we can just link to each of the 10 times this exact issue comes up each summer. The document would be titled: "So you failed as a parent and now your kids don't want to ski with you?" We would then go through and detail all the various models labeled as "crossover" boats over the years at all the various price points, and let the poor sap know just exactly how terrible his wake is going to have to be with each model. Do something like rate each ski wake on a scale of 0-10 wakeboards to let him know the likelihood of even enjoying skiing at all behind said boat. The SSLXI would obviously be the top of the list rated at just one wakeboard and then we would start heading down from there. By the time we get to like a X23 it would be rated at like 9 wakeboards and the guy would just understand that if he buys this boat, he may as well sell his waterski and just consider himself a surfer from now on.
  22. So...is S lines the new favorite nowadays? Is everybody just buying direct from them or do they go through some retailers?
  23. If you really are just looking for "enjoyable free passes around the lake", why not look to something like the radar union, terrain, or even session?
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