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Posts posted by aswinter05

  1. @dave_n exactly! I'm looking to progress. If i can accomplish that there's no doubt having fun will follow suit. In fact, I've never been on the water and not had fun. I love the sport too much to forget about enjoying it.


    Stacked position is what i worked on all last season. It's what i need to work on again this summer. I find it very difficult to master but I'm starting to feel it each time I'm on the water. It takes less and less effort each set, so i know I'm making progress in my form.


    Thanks for the input. I think our Ski Club is having Seth Stisher out this summer. It's something they've done the past year or so. Looking forward to possibly being coached by him. My wife and i will be around better skiers all summer long.

  2. I've only been to one school, thus I cannot compare it to another. HOWEVER...


    We went to Coble Ski School in NC last September. Had a blast. I was most impressed by the staff and the way they treated their guests. Literally, we felt "pampered" the entire trip. They would deliver your food to the table, they would clean up your plate after you were finished eating, etc.


    Also, whenever April practices she'll let you ride in the boat. She doesn't care if 5 people pile into the boat during practice sessions. She just wants everyone to get a chance to watch her ski from the boat. Awesome family. I can't compliment them enough. Some pros would probably get picky about how much weight was in the boat when preparing for the upcoming weekend tournament.. not April. She cares more about entertaining guests.


    Also, there's never a shortage of ski time. We would typically run at least 3 sets a day and then another if there was enough time before dinner. There's enough ski time that almost anyone would have blisters on their hands by the end of the week.


    The thing I liked most was the overall atmosphere. More specifically, all the lakes you ski on are beautiful. The lakes are old sand pits. The water is a beautiful turquoise/aqua color. Depending which lake you ski, there's a hot tub and a corn hole game waiting for you in between sets. Also, April and Chris employ some great staff. Friendly, funny, and professionals.


    I guess it depends what you want to get from the Ski School. If you are strictly looking for training and working on your technique, etc... then I've heard several people say that Coble isn't for you. However, if you are looking for a combination of a vacation and coaching, then I don't see how you can beat Coble Ski School (even though I've never been elsewhere).


    We already signed up for a trip in May (Spa week #2). The adult weeks are best for a husband and wife (even a single). I've heard they have some awesome family weeks there too.


    I guess I'm a little biased, but I can verify that Coble is amazing. period.

  3. My wife is going to be using a 65" HO Co X/SL this summer. She's going to need a set of boots. She loves my basis boots but they are a size too big.


    Anyone have a used/new set of Basis Minis they would like to sell?


    Already checked Ski-It-Again. There was one post which indicated some possible boots but I haven't gotten an email response from him.

  4. My wife and I have big hopes this ski season. Hoping to really get a grasp on the course.


    My question is what's the best way to continuously challenge ourselves in the course as we improve?


    Right now I'm at 30mph and my wife is at 27mph. (15-off'ers).


    Should we stay at 15-off and slowly increase the boat speed as we get better? (before shortening the line)




    Should we keep the same speed and keep shortening the line? (and then increase speed later)


    I'm new to this, so all input is appreciated. Thanks ballers

  5. I know when it comes to taking a fall, you either want both feet to come out OR you want both feet to stay in.


    I have HO Basis bindings. They are extremely comfortable. Im worried about their safety though.


    Should i tighten those babies all the way up? Or should i attempt to keep them loose enough to slide out of a fall?


    I've taken a couple nasty spills in them. One time both feet came out, the other time they both stayed in.


    April Coble recommended tightening the toe area and leaving the ankle strap a bit loosened. She said if you want to come out of the boot this will help.


    Future tumbles are inevitable. I just want to do my best to avoid injury. I love the sport too darn much to risk missing the season.


    Does anyone have suggestions for me? Even better yet, does anyone else have experience with the Basis boot?



  6. @jerseydave , i have a 67" HO triumph available. Perfect ski for open waters and the speed you are skiing. Also i think a 67 would fit your height/weight profile. The ski is a 2011 (blue and white). I highly recommend it. Im wanting a new ski to progress in the course this year. Maybe a S1 or S2.


    Do some research on it and ask around. I dont have it advertised so it's yours if interested.

  7. Most of you are well aware that I'm new to the sport. Learned how to ski in 2011, first time on a course in 2012, etc....


    Found a video from one of my first "runs" this past season. Then I thought I would compare it to the very last video taken of the season....


    The 1st video is from June, 10th. The 2nd video (on the course) was taken October 25th.


    I'm sure some of you learned much quicker, but for me in took a lot of time on the water to progress over those 4 months. I learned some VITAL information on BOS forum that helped me get more confident behind a boat. Enjoy (but don't laugh!)







  8. I've always wanted to try this. I have the "waterproof" Kodak Playsport with a floaty wrist thingy. I REALLY want to get someone in a small inner-tube attached to the transom eyelet and let them film.


    I can't imagine this technique being too dangerous unless maybe the skier created a bunch of slack line on the turn........


    This would also be cool to film someone barefooting. Attach the barefooter's line to a Fly-High pylon. Attach the tube rope to the transom eyelet. Sounds like a challenge for some of you footers out there!

  9. That's good to hear about the cat converters. I'll do my best not to let a salesman sell me a 200 for $2K more just because of the cat upgrade.


    Also, I believe there is some kind of "protection material" that's installed above the transom and on both sides of the rear catwalk (near the engine vents). I guess it helps protect the gelcoat against ski rops and ski edges. I have no idea what it's called. Is this material installed on all 200 models or is it only on the Team Editions?


    This seems like a beneficial component to have on a boat

  10. Made a similar post on Planet Nautique a bit ago....


    It's time to SN shop before spring.


    Really interested in the newer 200's (OB). Also kinda interested in a 2008 or 2009 196 if it's at the right price. I've got at least 3 months to shop around so I'm in no rush to make a purchase just yet.


    When it comes to a 200, I'm sorta confused on some of the options and whether or not they are necessary. For instance, I heard after January 2011(ish), SN had to start making all the 343's with Cat Converters. What does this mean about the engines that DO NOT have the Cat Converters in 2010? Do they still perform the same way? Is a converter supposed to be installed in order to be "legal"?


    I'm also trying to decide if it's worth looking at a Team Edition versus an SE. Is it really worth the extra money? If so, what features come with a TE that aren't included on the SE.


    I guess I'm looking for all around advice from those of you with experience owning these boats. What should I look for, and what should I stay away from when purchasing. Were there any design flaws (minor or major) with any years from 2010 to present?


    The new boat will be on a private ski-club lake 85% of the time (running the course).


    As always... thanks to all of you.

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