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Posts posted by aswinter05

  1. Here's a screenshot of what I've been doing since Jan. 12th. It has paid off tremendously. I've lost 6lbs while gaining muscle at the same time. (that's a lot for me considering I started at 154lbs)


    I know you've only got 5 days to workout, but maybe this can be a long-term fix :)

  2. Here's a screenshot of what I've been doing since Jan. 12th. It has paid off tremendously. I've lost 6lbs while gaining muscle at the same time. (that's a lot for me considering I started at 154lbs)


    I know you've only got 5 days to workout, but maybe this can be a long-term fix :)

  3. @OB , Seth will be giving lessons at our site on July 20th and 21st. The wife and I just sent our reservations/deposits in today. Not sure how many spots are left, but I could always give you the email of the guy that has made all the arrangements.
  4. @OB , Seth will be giving lessons at our site on July 20th and 21st. The wife and I just sent our reservations/deposits in today. Not sure how many spots are left, but I could always give you the email of the guy that has made all the arrangements.
  5. I'm going to be referring back to this thread often. Our ski club has all the calipers needed I think. If not I'll check on the digital one.


    Does anyone think I bought too long of a ski? At ski school I was told longer is better for me, especially because I'm barely skiing 30mph and sometimes 29ish. I weigh 150 (148 after my morning regularity kicks in).


    Also, I believe it was one of Bob LaPoint's articles/interviews that mentioned "when in doubt, always go the next size up"

  6. I'm going to be referring back to this thread often. Our ski club has all the calipers needed I think. If not I'll check on the digital one.


    Does anyone think I bought too long of a ski? At ski school I was told longer is better for me, especially because I'm barely skiing 30mph and sometimes 29ish. I weigh 150 (148 after my morning regularity kicks in).


    Also, I believe it was one of Bob LaPoint's articles/interviews that mentioned "when in doubt, always go the next size up"

  7. @kmenard thanks! Dumb question, but I'm assuming the 29.5 inches from the tail is the HEEL of the boot to the tail? And is the 29.5" to the tail specifically for the 67" ski or does it matter what length the ski is for the 29.5" measurement?
  8. @kmenard thanks! Dumb question, but I'm assuming the 29.5 inches from the tail is the HEEL of the boot to the tail? And is the 29.5" to the tail specifically for the 67" ski or does it matter what length the ski is for the 29.5" measurement?
  9. @MattP appreciate the info. I was always taught to measure from the tail of the ski to the point on the HEEL of the binding which sticks out the furthest towards the tail of the ski (April Coble). But then again I'm still a rookie at all this :)
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