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Posts posted by TFIN

  1. The 2022 NCWSA Collegiate Nationals will be held at River Ranch in San Marcos TX this October. To help offset the rising costs of, well, everything (without raising the entry fees for athletes) we are creating an alumni/supporters Walk of Honor.

    Purchase your individualized team placard to be placed lakeside during the event. You can commemorate your graduation class, Team and individual titles, or express your support. The sign is yours to keep after the event.

    NCWSA has a long and impressive list of former athletes. This will be a fun project to be a part of, and it is in support of an amazing event.



    Link below. https://www.awsasouthcentral.com/2022collegiatenationalsalumnisign


  2. The cool feel really is amazing. Even the darker colors stay cooler in the sun. I usually opt for neutral colors, off white and grey, then just color match the monogram with the exterior.


  3. As per my earlier post, this event could have went either way, and it definitely fell short. Given how dismally attended this event was, it was not worth putting it in a more public venue. Site selection is not the difficult part, finding someone to come up with a quarter million dollars to floss the IWSF is the problem. Pro events are different, the Moomba Masters, the US masters, are heavily attended professional events, so less than ideal conditions are acceptable. Putting athletes at risk when there are zero dollars and zero spectators is pointless. I would say live and learn, but we know the latter does not seem to be happening

    That being said, amazing how hard these guys and girls fought for their titles. Good work.


  4. @harddock At that height and weight, definitely the 66”. I can’t say enough good things about the Pro Build; incredibly balanced, requiring super minimal input to turn and accelerate. Feel free to DM me for set up assistance if you choose to go that route.

    Trent Finlayson

  5. @djycb while either ski will be a vast improvement over your current set up, the shape of the new Senate is by far our most user friendly design to date. From open water turns at 32 miles an hour or faster, to all the way through 41 off at 34 miles an hour in the course, this ski is all about ease of turns and crazy cross wake speed. Really proud of this ski, DM me for details if you like.


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