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Posts posted by gmut

  1. @Drago Drago the article(April 2013 Waterski pages 52/53) by Nick Parsons is an excellent explanation, looking at the pictures you see that the left elbow stays pinned to his vest throughout the edge change going from straight in the pull to bent at the completion of the edge change....upper body remains still. @Ed_johnson Yes many skiers, myself included, actually do pull up on the handle(the hitch) to force the edge change rather than let it naturally occur. I think what Andy and Chris do(and many other elite skiers) at the edge change is key to running shortline slalom.
  2. @Ham Wallace Hey Ham, try taking out a little length 6.850 maybe or move your front binding back a little, which ever is easier for you. See if that is better. If it gets better repeat the process until it isn't then add back .001 at a time until optimized.
  3. @Horton, great video I noticed that both Andy and Chris execute what I call "the move" coming into the wakes on both sides of the course. The ski seems to jet out in from of them from leaning edge to turning edge very quickly (the edge change) and their arms go from straight out to bent at the inside elbow and close to the vest into the preturn prior to the extension of the handle arm. Most,if not all of the elite skiers have this move down. Some people call it the hitch. My question is how do you practice this move? What are they actually doing to execute this move? Does that make sense to you?
  4. @Horton Just spoke with Randy, he said that he is still making handles and will be sending some orders out this weekend. He is having problems with his domain server and hopes to have that fixed shortly.
  5. I tried a 67" Fusion at the tail end of the summer a fellow skier in my area had one for sale. I loved the way it turned and held angle through the wakes but at 220lbs. I was too heavy for the ski. @skidawg I think you were riding a D3 Fusion. Did you ever try the X7 and if so what influenced your decision to go with the Fusion?
  6. @SkiJay Yes , absolutely, I am skiing narrow can't seem to get to bouy wide and early, thinking I had too much tip. I will try these settings and let you know. Does not look good today 20-30 mph winds, maybe just before sunset...hopefully the wind will subside a little. Thanks.
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