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Posts posted by skihard

  1. I've never liked the "set" mentality. I think it should be a time frame like 35-45 minutes which could equal the "set". 
    Paying close to $100 for 6 passes is crazy. 
    Heck, I organize full coaching weekends with pro instruction for $75 a "set" and each "set" is given a 45 minute time slot.

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  2. I live in a private lake ski site now but like many others on this forum I used to ski public lakes and waters all over, whenever, and wherever I could. Which meant the truck and boat launch were often a ways away or in some cases many miles away.


    Now the title of the thread is completely misleading on purpose to catch your attention. I want to reach out to everyone no matter where you are enjoying your time on the water please always consider keeping a few Benadryl and a bottle of water in your boat.


    I got stung by a wasp yesterday afternoon right on the end of my nose. ***please laugh, it's ok I know I would too!***

    But a mere 10hours later I couldn't even recognize my own self in the mirror, couldn't hardly see, and had a very dry throat. I was on my way to emergency to get meds pumped in me through an IV.


    Doctor told me the 4 Benadryl my wife forced me to take at home that afternoon saved me from being even worse. After my IV and release from hospital I am now on a weeks worth of steroids, continuing with Benadryl every 4 hours, and the proud new owner of an epipen. As I discovered the hard way I don't handle stings very good anymore. Never before have I been like this.


    Just some food for thought friends this summer when you're away from home. Pic on left is just before going to hospital and pic on right is me coming home after release. Worst thing is it was supposed to be my first day back in the water in almost two weeks from another injury!


    2020 you can piss off now! For real!!!




  3. Is it just me or does anyone else question why D3 continues to have Nate as their poster child on their web site after all of this? (front page under stay connected to the team & first skier to show up after you click the link

    I know as long as I see his image or as long as any company is allowing him to wear or promote any of their gear......................... that company has lost me as a customer.

    Best in the world or not - there is no place for it or him in our sport.


  4. Who owns a Wakeye pylon camera mount? I have one with an iphone mounted nicely to my pylon but the video is very shaky, even n the best calm water.

    Were you able to fix it and if so how? Mine is mounted right to the swivel top on my pylon so it moves very easy and well with the rope but the vibration of the boat makes for disappointing videos.





  5. BOOM the sport has just been rocked and people will now be talking about lots of things. Safe Sport and their limits, Water Ski Governing bodies (globally) and their rules, boat and product manufacturers and their athletes, and the laws themselves.

    He was and maybe is still the best but zero support from me. And all I can say is he's a lucky man that it wasn't my daughter in any of those reports!!!!

  6. Metric is so much easier when you understand the fact is based on 10's.

    And its strange I am Canadian born and raised now living in the USA and it's funny because I change when I cross borders.

    I use degrees F and miles down here and degrees C and km when I am back home. And I struggle with each in each country. 32C at my parents but it's 90F at my place. I understand each where I am at physically but I can't say it's 32C on my dock down here it just doesn't sound or feel right.

  7. We are going to start a run of t-shirts for this event this week.

    If you're registering for this amazing tourney and would like a t-shirt please let Jim or Rod know size and it will be ready for you when you arrive.

    All shirts will be tie dyed in memory of Susan (her fave :) )and will have tournament logo on back and Ski Texas Logo on front. Please note tournament logo is a bit different than add above.

    $15.00 / each with $5.00 from every shirt will be given to Jim and added to his personal donation to the two charities!


    Stay tuned for announcements and updates!

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