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Posts posted by skihard

  1. I'm close to Missouri City as well. Trent Finlayson will be coaching at our site this weekend.

    Reach out if you'd like and a ride or two can most likely be arranged at our site too.

    Heck a bunch of the replies on this thread will be skiing with Trent at our site this weekend! :)

  2. Coaching first. It doesn't have to cost you a fortune to ski in front of someone who can see you ski and tell you what you are doing wrong and what you need to focus and work on to get better. Open water skiing is a completely different form of skiing and everyone on this site who has experienced what you are experiencing will tell you the same thing. They already are. Have fun and welcome to the addiction! :)
  3. Find yourself a set of bindings you really like then it doesn't matter what the ski has on it. Use your own and try skis until you find one like. You really can't go wrong with Radar and they probably have the best customer service and help available to you no matter where you are located?
  4. It's a matter of choice. Like Kelvin I have people at my lake who don't ski much or if at all and I don't get it either. The funny part I question is - if you're not going to ski why don't you sell your house to someone who wants too and who will? There's many neighborhoods with lakes and such that you can't ski on if just looking at water is your thing.

    Others have said we raised our kids here...........yet very few or no kids come are coming back to these ski communities which isn't helping them survive either in my mind. I know when I am ready to pull the plug on skiing my house will be made available for someone who wants the opportunity to have what I have. :)

    Pay it forward friends!

  5. So my 2018 ski season has already taken me to line lengths I struggled to get too and maintain through the year last year. Last night I ran straight down the rope to a PB for the first time this year.

    The feelings of these successes are obvious. I think I know why I'm skiing better; better mind set, approach, and focus on the task at hand vs thinking too far out front of me.

    I'm a little worried that the early successes might lead to a step back in development and thus a feeling of not accomplishing as much as I really have because I know I will hit a wall.

    So the question is when you hit that wall do you change your mind set or your approach to skiing? Or what do you do to help yourself get passed that point of what I call PURE FRUSTRATION?

    I had a good conversation with TFin on this subject and he's helping me. Amazing coach I might add, hit him up if you ever get the chance!

    I guess I just curious to know what approach everyone else uses when they hit the hurdle or to avoid this hurdle when they know it's coming?


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