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Posts posted by Jibbo

  1. Great job!

    Givego left a bit of a hole, and although it had its problems it did provide invaluable coaching from many top skiers and coaches to people who just dont have access to top level coaching.

    Hope it goes well and ballers support it.

    • Like 1
  2. @RobHazelwood Hearing the scores and how each skier performed is great. Even better is hearing interviews from each skier talking about how their set went, good or bad, is even better. Sometimes a skiers score doesn't tell the real story of why it went well, or not so well, that we don't see on the live broadcasts. That skier feedback after their round is very relatable to what us amateur skiers often experience at tournaments.

  3. My "Get out of a slalom funk card" is to focus on where I am looking.

    1. Looking down course prior to the ball keeps me balanced and my shoulders up coming into the turn
    2. Coming out of the turn and heading towards the wakes I have my eyes and head looking ahead of the next buoy or even looking at the boat  ensures I am balanced on the ski through my lean
    • Like 2
  4. I sometimes ski behind a perfect pass boat which I enjoy but when I ski behind a zero off boat I feel a stiffer stronger pull that can be less forgiving (this is often the case in tournaments).

    Would using the less stretch series rope behind the perfect pass boat give a closer simulation to the zero-off boat with a medium series stretch rope?

    Or am I way off the mark with this thinking?

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