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Everything posted by aupatking

  1. I tell you what. I want to host a tournament on a public river, thus semi-public course. I want it to be fun and open to everyone. That said, we'd likely be running PP boats that are closing in on 20 years old. I know I need a driver of some rating (what rating?), and a safety officer. If all I'm running is slalom, what else is needed? Does this qualify for any class, or X only, or even that? If I want to run tricks too, how many judges. Because it's a river, we won't have fixed camera/judging towers, are they needed at all? What if I format it as: 34mph, 2 passes, next skier? Speeds up the action, no one is sitting around long. Next round is the guys who made both passes first round. Those are examples of questions that I think the guys on this forum are great at handling. I've looked at the rules & regs, with some of these questions in mind and get nowhere but annoyed. To be clear, I'm only being half serious. Some of these are things I'd like to try out, some are just an example of the questions that must be answered to get mass participation. If you're of the "we don't want mass participation", or "it's not a spectator sport, it's a participatory sport", you've missed the point on both. You can't have 1 without the other. Public tournaments (like biking), and inventive (I'm not sitting around 3 hours) formatting. This horse ain't dead, I guess.
  2. Thanks @BK , that's exactly what I was talking about.
  3. How about we try to set up local tournaments and use resources on this forum, like @santangelo and @klindy. The format flexibility seems to be there within the current rules, it's just that most of us don't know or understand, or even know how to find the rules that would allow such formats. I would suggest AWSA move the contact "the competition department" to the top of the first page of the sanction events section. Start with the contact, and let the people who know what they are doing take it, to start with. Outside of that, like I said, there are a lot of very knowledgeable resources here that could help and know the rules.
  4. @bishop8950 and @scotchipman do either of you know if Goode has released a definitive "how much Velcro and where"? something possibly based of skier weight and speed?
  5. I liked the thin liner in my front but ran the thicker splash in the rear boot. No question about which was more comfortable. I just liked the feel of that setup. Hopefully the splash is all he needs
  6. @scotchipman I really appreciate the info. You're the first person to tell me they've had the same, in other boots. My Powerplate did release, maybe 100th of a second after the bone broke. I had actually been running the HO EXO system for about a year before I moved to a Goode ski to help me get off the tail (my bad habit, but that Goode just helped me stay in the right place). Either way, those Exo's may have been bulky, but the mechanism worked wonderfully for me. I'm Sure there were some bad injuries using those too, but I've personally seen one, experienced one, and talked to a bunch more with that same injury, running those Powershells. Dave makes phenomenally performing skis. I just don't agree those boots are, at all, safe. How many of the same injury has occurred in the same boots with the Gatormod? If the design needs to be modified for safety, the effing factory putting them out needs to be the one doing it. You wanna charge a BS price for it, put the money in R&D for safety. I think his safety money is buying a disclosure sticker and paying a lawyer. PS, that was May 25th of last year. I have another surgery scheduled for next Tuesday, the 18th. I'm Not terribly happy
  7. @drewski32 I'm having connectivity issues. If the pictures don't come through I'll repost. Offside, what should have been an otf fall, actually not a bad one, did not release. pulled until it broke the talus. Same pair of boots broke my ski partners leg. Same situation, not exact same break, but same cause. We were told it was user setup error on his. When I did it we had set them up EXACTLY AS DIRECTED. When I expl that, Goode stopped responding to me.
  8. When I hobbled in to a respected ski shop in Orlando, in a boot up to my knee, and asked about a safer ski boot his response to what I had been using was "you trusted your safety to Velcro?". The Simple questions are often the ones you don't ask yourselves.
  9. I haven't read this thread until now, for 2 reasons. 1: I totally agree with @eleeski , which no one wants to admit. :smiley: 2: I totally agree with @Billbert For me, I have a lifelong injury caused by the very product I was using to keep me "safer". Until the science is better, a handle guard is about all I'm going with these days. Sorry for all the edits to this post. Having trouble with the phone eating some and leaving some.
  10. Still Green. Still hate you. Haters gonna hate You know what, F that. Between sky club Jack Daniels, and me REALLY liking my green goblin, I'm gonna go stomp -35 this summer. Gotta get the doc to pull a screw out, but I'm gonna do it. My green will eat your blue for lunch. Well, maybe brunch
  11. Option 1: http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Real_Estate&postid=30565 Option 2: Pay for the boathouse I'm about to build and I'll let you, your family, dogs, & possibly cats, live here with us Outside of sarcasm, I offer no help. Your timeline for boat/trailer setup is pretty spot-on.
  12. I'm not exactly new here, but I think this is my first time seeing this thread. I'm 37, work as a Pharmacy software consultant, from south Alabama. I learned to ski at age 3 or 4, and started training around 13 on the course. For several crap reasons, I didn't really ski from age 15 until 4 years ago. I broke off an engagement and bought a boat (cliche). I bought an old Tige and an HO A2, and went to see Jodi Fisher for a short, get your $#!+ straight lesson. That's been the best string of events in my life. I'm now married and have a 7 year old girl and a Nautique and live on the water. I'm working on competing, but had a pretty nasty Powershell caused ankle break training for my second tournament last year. I've got another surgery scheduled but I'm skiing again. I'll be back on the course and pouring some cash into lessons as soon as I'm done having this ankle cut on and screwed back together. I count myself pretty lucky to get to ski with some really talented guys down here, Richard Moyer and Tynes Stringfellow. I really couldn't be happier with life, now that I'm back skiing. Also, I travel, a lot. I'll be in Sacramento one more time this summer, and Phoenix a bunch. I want to ski with all you guys, everywhere. Most the time I'm traveling for work, but I've got a butt-ton of sky miles. Offer me a set or two and I'll book a flight, maybe I can get @OB to fly me and bring his stick too.
  13. I like the light grey. Black burns, literally. Down on the gulf coast I see all these idiots getting black powder coated leaning posts on their center console fishing boats. You absolutely cannot touch them when the sun's out. They both look great, I just try to stick to the lighter colors.
  14. Tail 41 gloves. I've got a couple vests, a Phalanx that I like and a front zip syndicate that I don't, only because when I really eat it, it peels off. That's the only time i think i really need it. I'm watching this thread to see vest responses.
  15. And that, "hot hot summer nights" song. Still get that thing stuck in my head at random times. Really looking forward to it.
  16. Ok, I'm totally lost now. I'm carrying more speed on my offside turns than ever, and with what feels like a tighter turn angle. On side, I'm feeling a bit like I'm having to force it. So, fin settings for blue, any different for green? I'm confused. Edit: to be clear, I'm not looking for tips, just clarification on setting: same/different green/blue. And Mauve is a word/color that should only be held for use in the description of your sweet mauve Ford escort.
  17. In college I used to sell Yakima racks and I've had Thule racks as well. Both of them make more than you can imagine strapping to the roof of your 4 runner(or any other car). Great quality from both companies. The powder hound locking jaw-type ski holder is perfect for quick, cross-town type trips where your ski isn't goin to be out in the sun for long. Anything longer than that, you'd want to go with the rocket box type of coffin style locker. Like everyone has said, they are available in sizes to fit from a couple slaloms to a 3-event family. I don't know if they offer any with ventilation these days , but that would likely be worth looking into.
  18. Any chance I can talk you Radar guys into replacing the yellow with Orange? My wife may not even ask about my secret ski fund if I show up with an Orange & Blue Auburn U Vapor. And it will make me ski better, of course
  19. It's bad enough that I like the way the blue vapor looks. Now I hate all of you See top ski
  20. @Horton that joke gets way too dirty, way too fast.
  21. More asymmetric rocker play is already a hallmark of the XT. I'd say it's a progression on that.
  22. I've been using a handle guard for a little while. Just needs more market focus, and more market presence. They should probably be sold with the handles, not as an accessory. Good luck getting all the rope players on board. Like you said, I'm sure it will happen, eventually. @lhoover I like where your heads at, but you just put 20 people on the defensive
  23. I second the ask @Jody_Seal . I've seen a really good technique on it, but can't remember if it was here or correctcraftfan.com or nautique forum. I think it was something Jody wrote though. I could be wrong, I've just come to realize there's the way most of us do things, then there's the right way. That seems to be the only way he does things. I've used the puller, propane torch, wooden block, and brass hammer. The torch helps, but again, ask Jody. Generally answers you've never thought of that you should have
  24. Thanks @eleeski, almost a year down to it but I'm starting back on the course this weekend. Just be careful guys. These boots look to be the safest yet. Be careful what you trust your feet, ankles, and knees to. If it seems too simple, it is.
  25. @Xpropman , IM @whitecaps . He was looking for a low hour TSC a while back.
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