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Personal Information

  • Preferred boat
    2001 Mastercraft
  • Home Ski Site
    Lake Shannon
  • Real Name
    Kirt Albrecht
  • Ski
    O'Brien Sixam 2.0
  • State
  • Tournament PB
    .5@38, 34mph

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  1. Really enjoyed the coverage on Saturday, Freddie and Tadd did a great job. Really got a lot out of Freddie's insights. He was hilarious with his "matching gloves and vests" comments too. Great skiing and great webcast.
  2. I can't be the only one who did this, but a few years ago when the Switch ropes were just being used, I tried one out right at the end of the season and then forgot to add back in my Switch segment (18"?). Well that spring 28 off, my normal starting pass felt a little bit tougher then I recalled, but it's a long winter here in Michigan. My ski buddy was having no trouble with his 32s and 35s (using his boat and rope, we rarely use the same boat) and I was making my 32s but with a lot of effort and excitement and not having a hope at 35 (a pass which is my make or break pass still). This went on until mid July at our State competition, my first competition of that year. I went out at 28 like normal and was blown away how easy this course was. It must be the water, the boat, the site. Ran my 32 and got something at 35 (it was blowing pretty hard that day). I told my ski partner how amazing this course was. How narrow it seems. He didn't think it felt all that different. (He went on to win that year's Mens 3, it's good to have someone to train with that pushes you.) The next day we were in my boat, I was getting ready to ski and my buddy was looking for a towel and he discovered my "switch line" in the bow of the boat from last fall. 32s suddenly felt normal again. It's not a bad training technique. But it was awfully hard on the ego that spring.
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