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MPD Review


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Before today I had only ridden a production MPD once and had almost run a PB on it that ride. I had also ridden a prototype with Jobe graphics but the flex was too soft. Today I pulled a new 68 ski out of the box, removed the wing, mounted my bindings and went out. Stock fin and whatever fin settings that were on it.

I am Mr 99 balls. When I ski good I can get 4 @38 and  5 or 6 times this year I have gotten 5. With a slow time I can run it but that is crap.

That first 32 was rough so I backed it up. Ran 35 but it was a bit of a rodeo. One at 38 was pretty good but not great, Two was ok, at three I thought “Wow! I am going to get four , at four I though “Crap I can make 5! I ran 5 pretty easy and then went back to 35 and ran 3 or 4 back to back. Out of the box!

I have one more day of skiing before regionals so I guess I have switched skis.

Hey MS,

You would not like it. I think you should go back to your CR7.

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I rode the SS at Regionals because I need more time on the MPD. Heck I really love the SS but I think there is something different going on with the MPD. I just need to figure out the settings.
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Back on the MPD tomarrow. Meeting with pointy haired boss at 3pm. Got to get to lake, ski, get home and shower to pick up smoken hot chick by 7:30! I am screwed.

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I tried a ReDim blade in the MPD last night and thing I liked it a lot. I ran 4@38 off the dock, pretty good for me. The settings I am using made the ski turn pretty slow but it still gained a ton of angle. I am going to take some depth out today and then I think go a bit forward in a few rides. This ski is different but pretty darn cool. As for the other thing I had to do yesterday /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif
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  • Baller

Horton - So what would you compare the MPD to?!? I was thinking of trying a 66" black fin at 5'10" 170lbs working on a cleaner 36-22 and wider 36-28 pass!!!i've always like the 2004 & 2005 X5 feel, currently on a Goode 9736 67" 200amp that feels to long, should be on a 65.5 per their charts...

what fin settings would you recommend for it in our crystal clear cooler water in new hampshire 85deg water temp???

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Hey Bouy,

I will have to think about how to answer your question. For now all I can tell you is that I moved my PB up by 1/2 a pass yesterday!

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Boat path was dead nuts. Times were all 16.90 to 16.95.

First ride with CBR ReDim 116 at (roughly ) 2.500   6.840  0.785 Ski turned kind of slow but felt really really good. Ran 4 or 5 at 38.

Next morning with very little sleep I shallowed to about 2.490. Ran 32. Ran 35. Ran 5 @ 38 (equal to good time practice PB) Ran 5.5 @ 38 (had it run but pulled the iron fist around 6 and fell at wakes. Ran 6 and then 2 at 39!

Next set I ran straight though to 1.5 at 39. It was a pretty wild weekend . . .

I am still thinking about how what to say about why this ski is different. I am starting to think the Radar is simply missunderstood.

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I'll call your wife.

I think she can spank you for me. Tell her how pretty her eyes are . . . she loves it when I tell her.

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I am telling you she melted last year when I told here that she has beautiful eyes. For the good of your marrage, get someone else to coach.
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First of all: You guys all know that I am the CarbonFins guy. Some of you guys have tried my fins and many of you loved them. I am totally over trying to sell fins on this or any forum. The freaking things work for most 34 skiers. The ReDim 116 turned around the MPD for me. Take it for what it is worth. This is not a sales pitch.  

With the MPD I suspect that the change from the stock shape (Gold) fin to the ReDim SHAPE was the bigger factor in my liking the ski then change in FIN FLEX. I used the 116 which is my stiffest blade - - most like aluminum ( but better). The topic of fin flex should be handled in another post.

With the factory shape and numbers I saw glimmers of brilliance with the MPD but could not seem to settle in.  I could run back to back 35s but I could not get 6 smooth turns. What I did get was early to every ball no matter how bad I screwed up the previous one. In other words I was ugly at each ball and then early to the next. I can see how a lot of skiers have been frustrated trying to set up and get used to this ski. NOTE: I am all over the darn ski. If your style is quiet then the stock settings might be perfect.

With the ReDim 116 I felt remarkably more stable. My mistakes seemed to be muted quite a bit. The ski did not seem to lose any of it’s remarkable wake crossing characteristics but turned in a much more mellow way.

This spring or last winter the idea was hatched that maybe the MPD carried more speed though the turn. Since the ski did not require as much acceleration and deceleration it gave the impression of being slower then a ski that loses speed at the ball and then rockets off to the next. I am no longer sure that this is true. I now think that the ski feels slow to me because I am not used to being so freak’n early. No crap -  I am serious. I am making mistakes because I am out to the ball too early! The MPD does not FEEL fast but it is not SLOW. Yea, it is wierd but very cool.

The MPD has pre turn and carry our characteristics that I do not yet totally understand. It seems that if you lean in early the ski really changes direction too early but if you stay tall it just keeps going out. Again I think the ReDim shape muted/helped this a little. The ReDim was developed for the Monza but this is a much better application. 

What ever the deal is this ski GAVE me 3 balls on my PB on a day when I did not even feel very strong. 3 balls is a hell of a lot!  Maybe it is the new chick . . . . Too bad this forum is rated G    : - ›

Below is the ReDim shape. Buy one, steal on or make your own but try one on an MPD.


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One more thing. As usual I am not running a wing. I wonder if a small wing with min angle would make the ski even better. With fast cold water I would try this for sure. Just thinking.
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The redim did not work for me on my Monza, but I will swear by the 106 CBR. Do not be afraid to try one on any ski that you own. It really lit up my Monza when I put it on and when I tried to go back to the stock blade, I could not ski.


why dont you fly here and coach her for a week? Or maybe a late october trip to Arvin for us would work also.    

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  • Baller


 Have you tried the ski with a wing? Why dont you use one. I am on the MPD Jobe prototype. I have loved it from the first pass.


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I want all my outbound speed at 55k. Even though I have posted some great practice scores I am still adjsuting to the ski. Will try a wing after nats

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I ran back to back 38s yesterdayon the MPD. Short gate is really really screwed up but once I get into the pass it is easy.

Not bad for a guy who had never run the pass a few weeks ago.

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John, I am using Wiley bindings front and rear. I tried a 68" MPD at stock settings(from factory) gold fin. 6.845, 2.500, .795. frt binding at 30 3/8 from tail...not great results. Where did you put your front binding and or your rear binding? 
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You are way too far forward! 

I am at 29 7/8". I had to drill an extra hole in binding plate to get there. Wish I could get back to 29 3/4". Rear is also as far back as I could get it.


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  • Baller

68" MPD

 Stock front = 29.75"

Rear = Rossi recommended 17.50"

Gold Fin = Eddie Roberts recommends

6.850 L

2.500 D

.79 DTF

I have gone with a 67" and let my friend ride my 68" this AM and he would not give it back. He runs a Connelly Draft front and a KD rear.  I have a 68" Jobe MPD I loaned to another friend and he loves the ski.

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Does anyone know if the MPD's manufacturing process is the same as the Monza: CNC'd pvc core "wrapped" in carbon?

Dave Goode has been quoted in other forums as saying "the Monza is torsionally unstable" or "prone to breaking down torsionally" and I was under the impression that the MPD was put together in exactly the same manner. Obviously there is a massive conflict of interest in the statements, but DG is no dummy, can anyone talk about this? I ride Monzas (I have a 68" and a 69.5") and I love them. I've riden my buddy's MPD, love that too. Is this love affair with the Monza going to have an expiration date due to torsional instability?

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The Monza is the most rock solid ski out there. They have built in plated inserts, and each ski is hand crafted and made in the USA. If you want a ski that breaks down, it is the Goode. DG has no idea how rock solid the Monzas are. I rode my 04 for 3 years and loved every ride on it. From looking/riding the Radars, I would say they are a pretty solid ski also. If Andy is making it, it is a good product.

The views expressed in this post are the views of a raving lunatic and are not endorsed by the management of BallOfSpray.

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At this time all of the skis in the industry have a pretty good life expectancy. There are anecdotal accounts of some older Goodes that did not last very long but I have no reason be believe that is currently the case. Furthermore there is evidence that there are 10 year old Goodes that are still well in spec.

 I have not seen the original "the Monza is torsionally unstable" quote but tensional stiffness and breakdown varies by manufacturer.  

With the quality of the current skis out there I would not worry about any of this. I would go find the ski that fits me best and get it. Ignore the  marketing hype and demo all the skis that you can. I believe that Radar, D3, Connelly and Goode all have return policies. For that reason I have trouble recommending any other brands (even my beloved O’Brien and MS’s sponsor H.O. ).


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Thanks John,

I suppose it's possible (probable) that each "my ski has broken down" story gets so much press that it appears like much bigger of a problem than it is, that's why I come to places like this.

For the record I'd include HO in your companies that have a great return policy. They have taken very good care of me personally and everyone I know that has had a problem (real or imaginary) with one of their skis.

Thanks again,


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I moved the bindings back about 3/16ths (I think). Way better. I am all the way back on my old KD bindings and will need to hack on the Wileys to get to the new settings.

The ski has gone from finicky but high performance to solid and awesome. I will tear it down and get the exact setting in a day or two.

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In a fit of sillyness I tried a new set of fin #s for the MPD. I am not saying these are good numbers but I kind if like them . . . for now.




Yea I know they seem crazy. If I was skiing more I would move the fin forward a little and maybe shallower.

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I told Eddie what I was doing and he laughed at me. He told me to try




I guess I might listen  . . .

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  • Baller

Cool. Not sure if you remember but you told me about Doug at Liquid Edge selling them. Thanks for that hookup. He gave me a good deal on it.

I have had some good skiing with it but I changed boots also(let me tell you that changing boots and ski in one move is not something I highly recommend) so I'm slow to get dialed in on it. Where did you set your boots?

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I didn't measure the boots, but they were both in the center holes (Animals).

I really need to be on a 67" or 68", but 66" is all that Doug has left.

Ski & binding change is not a easy change

Glad you got a good deal!!!!!

Doug is sking on a 66" MPD and been working with Trent F. on getting it dialed in. You may want to shoot him a e-mail to see what they have come up with.

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  • Baller
rryker, didn't get back with Doug but I did just have an eye opening set on the MPD. To give some background, this is my 5th season of skiing, I have never been much of a fin tweaker. I have been trying the ski for a week, moving the fin and bindings around w/o much success. Yesterday was awful. I busted my *$$ hard twice and couldn't even run 28. Today, I left the fin alone and just decanted the rear binding a little. I had a friend watch my set and he helped me stay countered, balanced and use only my lower body to turn the ski. Holy Crap! The difference was literally incredible. I have never felt a ski get back to the wakes so fast. I think this ski gives big big rewards for proper technique like the style Chet R teaches. All in all, today made me feel dumb for all the fin moving I have been doing, today the difference was me.
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