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pulling out for the gates versus width


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When pulling out for the gates I try to be approx. 4’to 6’ or so wider than the 2,4,6 buoy line. I try to be consistent in my width whether I am at 15 off our working on 28 off.


Recently while I was running multiple passes at 22 off and working on my technique I had a spotter in the boat. He told me that I was not advancing on the boat enough on my pull out for the gates and I need to get much wider than the buoy line.


Logic tells me that advancing on the boat and width are directly effected by rope length. So at longer line length why would it be a benefit to get way wider than just outside the buoy line while pulling out for the gates? To me this seems to lead to an earlier pull from the boat, which in turn causes me to get pulled up out of my lean before the second wake.

 At shorter line length I understand the importance of advancing up on the boat but at longer line lengths isn’t it more important to stay at a consistent width and starting your turn in for the gates from there?

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  • Baller

I like to be wide, and I try to have a lot of speed when I turn in. If the boat is going faster than you then you have a tight line and it´s going to be difficult to make a good turn. If you have about the same speed as the boat you will have more time and it will be easier to get a good turn with lots of angle before the line gets too tight. And the forces on you body will not be that high and it will be easier to keep your ski on edge behind the boat.



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I have been working on starting my pull out a little bit later, gliding less and keeping my speed up during my turn in for the gates. This seems to be working better for me.

The point I was trying to make is that some times I feel that short line skiers use there short line mentality when coaching longer line skiers. Advancing further up on the boat is need at shorter line lengths to achieve the need width, but not necessarily need at longer line lengths if the skier is already wide enough.


To me it makes more sense to try and keep a consistent width (assuming its wide enough) each time you pull out for the gates no matter if it’s at 15 off or 35.


How wide do you guys shoot for on your pull out? (buoy line, 3’, 5’ outside) And do you change your width according to your line length?

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What is good at -28 is generally good at -22, but I don't know how much you can apply that to the gates on a -15 opener. Maybe I'm wrong, but rhythm and timing are more important on gates than physical geometry. (Or how about this, show me a -39 1/2 skier that can get 3'-5' outside the turn balls on their gates) If you miss your opener a lot then you probably need to address it, but as long as you are getting free of the boat I don't know why you should want touch it.
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  • Baller

I am trying to be as wide as possible on each line. Obviously I am wider at 22 than at 38 but I try to be at the same place relative to the boat on each line, almost at a 90 degree angle to the boat. I know that some people don´t like to be that wide. What is working for one skier might not work for another. If you want to be wide and advace on the boat on the shorter ropes, why don´t you try to get used to it on the longer ropes?



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  • Baller
I pull out to the 2,4,6 line no matter if it's -22 or -35.    I believe my ski casts out wider as I do a one handed gate but that's what I do.   If I get too wide on the longer lines it goofs up my one ball.  I like things consistant and it seems to work for me so far.  
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