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System 8


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  • Baller

Well I'm going to demo a couple of ski's to find a replacement for my Monza (it was stolen last Saturday).

Going to try an '05 System 8...how will this compare to the Monza?

My understanding is that System 8 is essentially the same ski as the Monza, just a softer flex.  Can I expect similiar performance?

The review from the '06 ski tests was not all that glowing and I see it wasn't even reveiwed for the '07 season.


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  • Baller

You may actually like it better.  Let us know.  It will be a little damper and not quite as twitchy.   I don't know if it's actually softer as my Monza was pretty soft and I didn't feel much difference between the two flex wise.


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Ask Chris Rossi (skitek.net)

If I remember right he started using the System 8 as his rough water ski, and just stayed with it full time.  He should be able to give you a good rundown.

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  • Baller

Find another Monza. I rode the System 8 in the 07 ski tests. As a tester who struggles with 28 and 32 off, I was excited to try a ski designed for my skill level. It was a significant disappointment compared to the other skis I got to ride. The Monza was a great ski, the System 8 could not keep up in buoy count or even comfortable feel. The Connelly was the best bang for the buck but there are lots of used Monzas available (and Goodes and OBriens) for reasonable prices.


If you get a chance to ride the System 8, do so. See how it compares for you. But don't buy it unless you like it. And ride some other skis.


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  • Baller

Great...I'll dial up another Monza.

John, I really appreciate the offer but I friend has loaned me his old 9500 for the interim...and I'm having fun entertaining more brand name evangelism - i.e. "goode skis and powershells are the best".

This is my first run on hardshells and a Goode and I want to give it a half dozen sets as I wait for the Monza.

MS - now I know what you mean when a ski "sings" (your 9800 thread) /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif


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it is wierd how set up will change the way a ski sounds when you are skiing. Where did you order up a Monza at? I see there is one FS on Nichols and Perfski has 06s for 699.  

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Goode makes a great ski but I am totally against "brand name evangelism". Demo Demo Demo and find what works.If marketing was king we would all ski on HO.
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  • Baller

Well I guess I should I given this thread a different title...poor System 8 - no love.

I haven't ordered the Monza yet...while it was a pain not skiing for a week...I was waiting to see if my car would turn up w/ the ski still inside...no luck after a week and half...plus the urgency was taken off a little when my friend loaned me his old 9500...but I'm ready to order now.

I try to order what gear I can h2osmosis...just want to support those guys as much as I can...since insurance is convering this purchase - I might just go for an '07.

A comment on the 9500 as I skied again this afternoon...supposedly this ski is setup for someone with my body type - 6' 170 lbs...but it feels so small - 66.25...I had 2 wicked OTF...I'm sure part of it is my form...maybe my previous ski was too large (68 Monza) and forgave such sins...but I can't help but feel like there's not enough carbon underneath me...it's fast and fun...maybe even faster than the Monza...but if my shoulders were not open - drink!  I'm writing a review on fifteenoff.com on my experience w/ the powershells if anyone cares.  Link

Last question...thanks for being so helpful guys...w/ my body type...should I get a 67 or 68 Monza (34 mph)...or does it not matter.  I checked the HO website for a ski sizing chart - nothing.  My '06 Monza I just took what was available b/c it was so cheap ($150).

Replacement Wiley's are set to arrive on Friday...if I order my ski Wednesday and w/ express ship I should be gold this weekend.


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