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Spray in my face


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  • Baller

It looks like your shorts are dragging in the water.


If that's the case then something like these, or not so baggy board shorts, would clear up the problem. 

They aren't the coolest looking trunks in the world but they will never drag in the water.

Gladiator Neoprene Shorts

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  • Baller


I have the same spray problem....but it isn't the shorts with me; and, it looks like it isn't the shorts with you either.  It is my ankle, shin, knee dragging in the water on my offside turn.  Do you ski with a rear toe plate?  I do.  I can watch myself on slo-mo tape and see exactly where the problem is, correcting it is a different story.  I think it occurs because the rear leg becomes a little bowed or turned in, due to the freedom it has in the RTP.  I think it would occur with double high raps as well, when the rear knee doesn't stay tucked in behind the front knee.  With all that said, i don't know exactly how to correct it either, without consciously changing my ski style.

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Skibug, I am useing double high raps (D3 Leverage).  I think it is my leg as well... I have been skiing ALOT this week and there is a nice big red spot on my calf (ouch).  I was wondering if rotating my back boot a bit might have some benifit?


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I increased the rotation of my rear plate a lot over the winter (recommended by Mike McCormick) and dragging my rear leg more was one of the negatives.

I realize there are several ideas on what rear binding rotation does in the various ski setup camps, but my purpose for additional rotation was to ease up on my rear hip which had been consistently sore, and it did certainly help this.

It was a major adjustment though that just recently has started to feel normal. I had my rear plate rotated slightly before, but was still able to push my rear knee into the back of my front knee on preturn - now w/ rotated rear binding, as I flex my knees my rear knee moves outward - so I think rotating rear binding would be more spray. I didn't specifically notice additional spray, but the additional drag and the different feel in rotation was a real setback at first.

In terms of the topic - spray in the face - it seems if I am turning well w/ more speed in the preturn I don't notice it, but if I end up slow it's one of the results. I am demo-ing a 2-point this weekend (on a 1-point now) to see if the additional width is better at 34mph - mainly looking to keep out of the water more and reduce drag through the turns in the too often event that I don't hit it just right.

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