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Let's talk 35off at 36mph...


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  • Baller


It looks like Kpickett started a post on 28 to 32 but today I left the lake looking forward to posting on here regarding 35 at 36mph.

 My gates have been a bit better at 35. The result is I am making it to 3 ball some what consistently. I don't know if everything is happening  faster and the windows for errors or smaller or what.


Any ideas on the 35 from 32 differentials?


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  • Baller_

Lack of width on the gates is a very common problem that I believe holds many skiers back from advancing to the next line length or speed.  This holds true even for kids at 20mph.


 So, the short answer is width on the gates is not dependent on speed. 

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller



Was riding a 9800 neutral for quite a few sets. June 8th traded a Goode 9600, some cash and a banana to skidawg for a 9800 SL Right. Love the ski...... but...


Maybe sniffing around looking for a D3 X5 to give a whirl on.

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  • Baller
I'm thinking about giving the SL a whirl...  I almost ordered one Friday.  Still under strong consideration, even with a 9900 (?) about to bow in a couple weeks.
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  • Baller
Man, there are so many other good skis out there right now.  I've watched more than a few people get on the 9800 and 9800SL and lose bouy count in the last year.  A perfect example is the guy I've skied with for the last 10 years who got on the SL after nationals last year and has dropped from 2 at 39 to 2 at 38. And that's behind the same exact boat and same exact speed control. Whereas before he would run 38 75% of the time, he's run it a grand total of once since getting on the SL almost a year ago.
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  • Baller


Every ski is not for every person as we are built differently and ski differently, obviously.

 I have seen more people hop on the SL and ride it within their means in about 2-3 sets then people who haven't. An old ski partner of mine, switched back to a 9700 and had just as much success.


I love the ski but have been on Goode's since a 9300 and never ever tried anything else.

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  • Baller

I'm kinda like Scoke in that I've skied Goodes forever but I have tried other stuff.  I just keep coming back - they just work really well for me.  I've got an RS1 in the garage that I still may try once more before selling it.  I liked some things about that ski but I couldn't get it to turn on my offside.  Surely it's operator error but coming off a 9700 that has a ridiculously good offside turn, that was strange.   There are some guys at my site running 34 on the SL and they love it.  They've both picked up buoys.

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  • Baller
I totally understand, GMC. I was a Goode skier myself. But then started trying out some of the new sticks this year and first fell in love with the Sixam SS and now the RS1.  Last year at the tournament docks it was all Goode around here. This year you're starting to see Obrien's, MPD's, etc. Finally manufacturers are starting to come out with skis that will compete with the Goodes. Different strokes, I guess. :)
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