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  • Baller
I don't think something like this should be used in competition. Golf has lots of training aids but come time for a tournament you leave them at home. Could you imagine if this really gave you an extra 6 balls, it would be funny to see everyone at your local tournament wearing one... Dave would be laughing all the way to the bank.Question for some of you old time jumpers, how long have jump slings been around and was there any controversy when those first hit the scene?


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  • Baller
slings have a very useful purpose, it would be impossible to control the forces jumping with out one, but you can run short line slalom w/o an over priced clincher/strap gimick doing the work for you.  boo, hiss, not a fan.
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  • Gold Member

KG - My dad has an older Goode (9300 I think), and it skis great for him at 28 and 30 mph.  He went one size bigger and one flex softer than would be recomended for a 36 mph skier.

Up to you if you wanna break the bank, though :)

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