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Steve stirs pot

Old MS Accout

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After Brett Yeager's death in Acapulco, Mexico last winter, USA Water Ski Board of Directors President Jim Grew immediately contacted the appropriate committees within both IWSA and USA Water Ski and asked them to look into the matter.  After repeated attempts to get an answer and/or the results, I found out yesterday that no one looked into it.  No investigation, no report, nothing!  Brett is dead and life at USA WaterSki goes on as usual.  This is pathetic!   If USA WaterSki cared about what happened they would want to know all the details and then disseminate them worldwide so something like this never happens again.  As usual, it's CYA time.  People are actually getting mad at me for following up on this tragedy!

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After Brett Yeager's death in Acapulco, Mexico last winter, USA Water Ski Board of Directors President Jim Grew immediately contacted the appropriate committees within both IWSA and USA Water Ski and asked them to look into the matter. After repeated attempts to get an answer and/or the results, I found out yesterday that no one looked into it. No investigation, no report, nothing! Brett is dead and life at USA WaterSki goes on as usual. This is pathetic! If USA WaterSki cared about what happened they would want to know all the details and then disseminate them worldwide so something like this never happens again. As usual, it's CYA time. People are actually getting mad at me for following up on this tragedy!
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That is very very profound! Anyone who is not clear on what you are saying needs another beer.

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