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New Radar Strada Report


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  • Baller_

Andy Mapple is currently in Washington State doing clinics.  We had him out to the Broho yesterday.  Pictured above are BOS member Ron, (04196) and Ryder of course.  Ron's on a Strada, and it was nice to meet a fellow BOS skier.  Our clinic with Andy was 6 skiers, 3 sets each, and was money well spent.  Andy does an excellent job in identifying the simple corrections you can make to improve your skiing, without overhauling your own "style".

It was an honor to drive the boat while he skied a set, 28, 32, 35, 38 BTB, then -39 without a miss.  Braden shot a ton of photos, we'll do a Picasa album and then put up a link.

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  • Baller

I was hoping to make it out for that clinic, but I decided I had too much to work on from Marcus' clinic down at Utah Lake. Good thing too, 'cause I tweaked my left deltoid/pectoral muscles two weeks ago and haven't been able to ski since. One more week of rehab and it should all be solid again... and I'll be coming out to Seattle to visit friends, family, & our cabin on Lake Cushman.


More video please!


JP :)

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  • Baller
I just got through demo'ing a 66 strada. I am definitely not good at describing the technical aspects of skis so all I can say is that it was too hard for me to be consistant on it. The toeside could be really, really good and the heelside could rock pretty good too but for some reason the repeatability was low. Heck, it could have been operator error. It could be because I'm one of the few people that likes S1's(read: oddball). Who cares...I'm gonna pull the Warp out of the closet!
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  • Baller

The Warp was expensive but, for the record, I have never paid full retail for a ski.


I sidelined the Warp last fall in favor of the S1 which is a solid ski but I had just pb'ed on it in two consecutive tournaments. Guess I should have never put it in the closet to begin with, huh?


There's something to the "air core"...it's real quick. Also I think the toe side is comparable to the Strada.

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  • Baller
Good to hear Jim. I've deviated even farther from stock now that the water has gone back up into the mid to upper 90s. I'm at 6.739, 2.530, and .660 with the front bindign at 28.375.  I've been in communication with Rossi as I've gone farther and farther from stock. When he gets back from europe, he's going to try it out. He said he was surprised it didn't overload behind the boat, but that the binding position must relieve the water pressure built up under the ski. 
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  • Baller
Ive been near stock settings now for awhile and would like to try some other setups now that our water is 80-85 degrees. My settings are 6628.6250.7456.842.499 What settings have been successful?
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  • Baller

67 strada it ripping  !!!

29 .50 fb reflex    2.500 6.853  74.5  9 down   

I have been in AK working for 4 1/2 weeks came home for 3 days, skied two sets  ran back to -35 sunday and monday,  now back to AK for 4 more weeks, then ski time.    I will try to talk the wife into taking a arizona ski trip this fall. oct

 I wish I was home I would go to reginals I'm skiing better than I have ever skied!  this ski is a Keeper!!!  I may get a back up!  I still have a back up MPD down stairs, Time to sell it!!! and get a back up Strada.


think short


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  • Baller
I tied shanes fin setup tonight. I liked how it came out of the turn but I found it hard to ski on. I couldnt  recover as easy from mistakes as with the stock setup. It seemed to really hug the water like it was on rails. I seemed to get on the tail on my onside (LFF) a few times. I will try it again later but I have state this weekend so im sticking with what is working for now.
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  • Baller
My strada felt like crap at JD's.  Not sure why as I ran right up into 35 on Wednesday and Monday last week before heading there.  At JD's struggled with 28.  Had I had a 3 lb sledge hammer, I might have made some modifications to it. LOL
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  • Baller

Well, I'm certain that about 12 or 13  beers, 2 glasses of wine, and 3 shots didn't help, Joe! Damn Mueller and his shots put me over the edge, I think.  But even Saturday before the nightly activities, it didn't ski great. It never really rolled on edge, crossed under the rope, and moved out in front of me like it has been doing. 

FWIW.......I am NOT having a drop of alkeehol this week prior to regionals. LOL

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I really like this ski. I have made more fin adj. to reduce excess movement such as tip rise on on-side. I wonder what REGINA J's fin settings are? I am  34 MPH skier-155lbs.. I am on 66 strada. Strada bindings, seq. plate -one notch back from center.DFT.734, L 6.808,D 2.504, Front of fin to back of ski  8.195.
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  • Baller
OK, turns out the wing was loose on mine for that 3rd round yesterday. Found that today when Mueller and I skied.  He took it from me and said trust me.  After he set the fin up, it ripped. A LOT more tip pressure.  Everything felt slower. Turned under the rope and got out in front of me.  Something I can work with.  I measured it afterwards...........7.00 length, 2.510 depth, .558 dft, 8 degree wing. Who'da thunk to try that.
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"DFT.734, L 6.808,D 2.504, Front of fin to back of ski  8.195."

 Unless I don't understand the phrase "Front of fin to back of ski" correctly - or if the rules of basic math have changed - this doesn't add up (literally).  I can only assume this odd value would have to equal the distance from tail PLUS the length of the fin, but .734" + 6.808" = 7.542" (NOT  8.195").

WTF?  Inquiring minds want to know...


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  • Baller
I too am having trouble since the water warmed up and thought I would try ShaneH's settings on my 67" Strada.  My ski has the black fin.  The length and depth settings are achievable but I am unable the get the DFT down to .558.  The shortest I can move my fin back is .634.  I have more slot left in the ski but the fin is hitting something.  Possible the allen head screws.
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TW: I agree the math does not add up as it should. I measure from the front of the fin to the back because its a more reliable measurment. You can place the caliper on the fin and push it against the ski. Very repeatable.The way I measure DFT is to put the small end of the caliper against the ski and slide the pin towards the fin.Very unreliable.  I don't know why it doesn't add up. Any ideas out there?
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  • Baller

Jim Parr - stand the ski on it's nose and measure DFT with the caliper pinned against the bottom using the heads of the caliper against the end of the fin and the back edge of the ski.  Not as good as a slot caliper but much more repeatable than using the stem.

FWIW after giving the latest set of "factory" numbers I had for my ski a six week tryout I finally added depth to the fin on my 68" Strada (suggested by several sources) and it seems much better.  Also moved the fin back (reduced DFT) due to the 90 degree water temps which also helped, finally hooking up on the off side more as advertised than it had been to date.  Been struggling to get to mid 32, after making the adjustments I'm now in mid 35.  Current numbers D - 2.510, L - 6.853, DFT - 0.765, wing 9, Front binding 29.75 with rear back one hole farther.  Anyone else out there on a 68" have any input to offer?


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I figured out why the math doesn't add up when measuring from the front of the fin to the back of the ski.Its because  the caliper has two sets of tips, one set the tips are on the outside of the object being measured, the other set measures from the inside out.When taking that measurment one tip from each set is used.I know this is confusing , but its the best way I can explain it.
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  • Baller
Ok, so after exchanging about 20 emails with Rossi today, we figured out that I have been measuring incorrectly on my RS1/Strada bindings.  When I bought them 2 years ago, I was told to measure to the bottom stitching. On the radar plate, the center/rear hole, per Rossi, puts the front binding at 28 5/8. And the center/front hole puts it at 28 3/4. Once I knew that, it turns out that the top line of stitching is right on that.  So all along I've been about 1/4 back from where I thought I was. That's big.
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  • Baller

I may have a used Strada to buy locally,slightly used about 20 sets.

Is a 67 ok,borderline or plain too small for me?

6'2",193 #,34 mph,32 off.

What's a good price ?



My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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Have you been testing the new wider Strada (Strada55 or whatever they are going to call it)?  If so, have you been able to equal or  better your Strada buoy count?  I may have a buyer for my RS1 and if so I'm wondering if I should wait and ride the new wider ski before buying the Strada?


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  • Baller
Looks like i killed the longest thread ever on BOS with my stooopid question.../vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-frown.gif

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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One of my long-time ski partners is on the 67" Strada.  He weighs between 205 and 215 (depending on his current level of discipline) and he skis 34.2 mph through -32' into the middle of -35' on any given day (he's been all the way through -35" on occasion)  He thinks the 67" is plenty big enough for him and that the 68" would be way too much ski.

For a fair and balanced report I should note that Eddie Roberts thinks the 67" is too small for my buddy...


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  • Baller
Size does matter.  Most of the people skiing well on the Strada at a seemingly under-size are up north where the water temp is fairly cool.  I guarantee a 205lb guy is going to hate a 67 strada in our 95-98 degree syrupy southern waters.  At 173 lbs I bought a 66 strada based on the recommendations here. Yeah, that was a mistake.  It was great in 60-80 degree water. But as the water has warmed up into the upper 90s, I've had to go crazier and crazier with the fin numbers. I went from running 32 fairly often to struggling to make it through 28 even 25% of the time.  After getting two practice sets at regionals in mid 28, then running 3 1/2 at 28 at regionals yesterday, I borrowed a 67 strada today. Voila! 5 at 32 off on the first set on it.  
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