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Weird Injury


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  • Baller
Earlier this week I was going through my normal workout doing leg presses, I normally do 3 sets of 20 followed by a lighter set of 8 on my third set of 20 I felt this weird pop in my neck area and then almost instantaneously the worst headache I have ever experienced, it was so bad that I couldn't finish the workout. I found out that it is most likely something called a thunderclap which is a strain in the nerves and the muscles in the neck, and that heavy lifting is probably out for about a month. Just wondering if anyone on here has had this happen to them and if they have been able to ski with it. I would really like to ski this weekend but don't know if I should, I have been able to lift weights this week but I have been taking it really lightly though and not really exerting myself to much.
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  • Baller

if you're doing multiple sets of 20 reps it' s not what I would classify as "heavy" lifting...3x8 would be but regardless, anytime you get a headache as a result of physical exertion it's not good- I'd consult a MD just to play it safe.

good luck


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  • Baller
I weigh only 165 pounds and 3 sets of 20 reps with 450 pounds would be considered heavy lifting for me. If you do this workout and then drop down the weight for the fourth set of 8 it will turn your legs to jello real fast.
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It sounds like it could be a nerve impingement??? I would Love to see the position of your neck as you begin to strain intensely. It could be a lot of things, but one common thing that causes a simular cond.  is called, "Bridging" and this happens frequently on exercises like Bench press or Leg press. When someone "bridges" with their neck during Hvy. exertion they can impenge nerves and even strain upper back and neck muscles very badly. Once these are aggravated, they can flare up very easily... If this could be you, you must be very mindful of the load displaced on your neck by inadvertently using your head as the 3rd pt. of a tripod, instead of properly Loading the wgt. acrcoss your 2 shoulders... This may not even apply to you or your circumstances...

Regardless of what is happening, remember to always keep your body in GOOD Alignment during any and all exercises no matter how Hard you are straining. I Love going Hard and very HVY. But, "When form is Lost, injury is Found"...  

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I woke up in the middle of the night and the thought of vascular constriction under Hvy. exertion came to mind. It is also possible that a similar phenomenon that causes or contributes to Migraines is causing or contributing to your Pain.

When we strain intensely, our B/P goes up and our Blood vessels constrict our Blood flow. Constriction and dilation is also thought to be a big part of the Migraine puzzle. This is one of the things that Aspirin and other NSAID's counter act by thinning the Blood and enhancing blood flow.

Although, Aspirin, caffeine and Acetaminophen together (Excedrin, BC or Goody's powders) are very effective. I would not take them and just go work out and see if it helps. There could be something medically wrong there, that needs  to be diagnosed and treated by an M.D.

Although Lower Rep's (2-6 reps.) are more associated with "going Hvy,"  20 Very Hard and intense reps (not the mindless Jane fonda 20 reps that most people do!) will be much more physically taxing then 2-6 reps to momentary failure. Especially if you are not monitoring your H/R before you start your next set and your not allowing sufficient rest periods between sets...

I once did a Leg routine that consisted of only 2 sets of Full depth free wgt. squats. 2 sets of 20 reps with 315lbs. Very, very Hard and intense and much more taxing then the typical 10 or 12 sets of lower rep Leg work...  

Maybe you could try some typical Hvy. sets of more sets and many, many LESS reps. with a sufficient  2-3 min. rest period inbetween sets....

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  • Baller
h20dawg, I think you hit the nail on the head with your first comment, I usually do squats but that day I decided to do leg presses as there were a lot of people doing squats when I was in the gym and didn't want to wait around. I don't think that I was using correct form for my last set of leg presses, and this is what caused the problem to develop.
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Just be careful with the 'ol neck on your lifts for about 2 wks. and you'll probably be good as New! Oh, and then continue to be careful with your neck on those lifts until your about 85 or so!

I just went to a whole body w/o for ski season. I can't seem to get to the gym consistantly enough with ski days mixed in during ski season. So, I'll just go every other or every third day and see how it goes... What ever it takes to stay Healthy and keep my Bench, Squat and Dead lifts over 300 lbs. and still ski my Posterior off and I'll be a Happy , Happy Man!Wink

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  • Baller
scoke I play real sports, not tryin to be the best at exercising. h2odawg neck is definitely feeling better slight twinges every once in a while but no headaches, I've been doing leg presses more now and trying to use good form to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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