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2010 HO Animals

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  • Baller
You can very often rebuild a boot like an Animal for much less than the cost of a new boot: unless you really want to buy new bindings, then obviously price is not as much an object. Wileyski.com, they can help you figure out if it will be economical to rebuild.
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  • Baller
Funny, I just bought the 2010's and they are alot stiffer than my (granted old) 2001's and cramp my feet more right now. I am hoping they break in, because I still love the feel
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  • Baller_

The overlay material changed frequently on these boots over the years.  The early versions had some quality problems where the overlay material frequently ripped, but HO was very good at warrenty replacements.  Subsequently, the overlay was changed to a thicker but stretchier rubber with more robust eyelets for the pull strap.  That was 2005-2007.  The 2008-09 version changed the overlay again with a less stretchy overlay which had a leather like appearance and the new style graphics.  Sounds like the overlay is a bit thinner for 2010 based on the website.

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I just bought the new Radar Vector boots.  Try them instead of Animals.  I decided to keep my hardshell front (Reflex), but the Vector back boot is like wearing comfy sneakers. Just dont overtighten the bungee cord. I used to use animals, I liked them but vector is better.
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