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On side/ ski getting behind


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  • Baller

I've been having a problem with the ski getting behind me on the heal-side / onside through the wakes? any things i could work on would be greatly appreciated! I'm on a 9900 with stock settings, front Reflex, rear Wiley.


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  • Gold Member

I'd say that's a tough problem to diagnose without a video.

But my first guess would be the problem is actually happening quite a bit before that -- maybe as early as the pre-turn of your on-side turn.  If your hip is trailing the rest of your body at that point, the trouble will manifest during the next pull.

But it could be lots of other things...

Also: speed and line length?  Has this always happened or just started?  If latter, anything change recently?

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  • Baller

I do have video, but not digital. I'm LFF as my ski partner. He and I have always had this problem, but just now becoming aware of the problem. I really don't see the hips being back into 1,3,5, very often, but we both do it time and time again, which kills the 2,4. also, I've been told my 1,3,5, looks very nice, and shouldn't change a thing. I'm lost on this one???

Speed 34/ 22-28, my friend is 34 /22-32.

Thanks again!

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  • Gold Member

Hm, I'd say it's almost impossible to have a "don't change a thing turn" and then end up with your ski behind you on the subsequent pull.  Once the pull starts, it's VERY hard to move your position relative to your ski, so looking back to the exit of the turn (or earlier) is almost always where the problem is found.

All of this comes with "unless your ski is set up horribly wrong."  But that's pretty rare unless you've been really messing around with it.

I would definitely suggest working toward posting a video.  I think you'll get a LOT more and MUCH BETTER advice from that.

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  • Baller
have you checked your settings lately? There is a distinct possibility that they could have changed from what you had set them at before. And also like thanimal was saying, it could be that in your entry you could be reaching forward allowing your hips to fall back starting the whole problem
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