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D3 Z7 vs. Strada


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  • Baller
Hopefully, you guys can guide me in the right direction, and I can get the best ski the first time. Ride before you buy is a good program but can get downright expensive if you have to ship skis back and pay 50 dollar demos two or three times. So, i am somewhat down to deciding between a Strada or D3 Z7. The skier skis at 32 mph and her weakest point in skiing is getting angle out of the turn. Between the two skis, which turns the best? I am willing to bet that the D3 turns best but the Strada is faster side to side. Thanks in advance.
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  • Baller
I've ridden both. The Strada is faster and the turns happen without thinking. BUT, it's got a tip high attitude that I found didn't suit me. That said, it seems I'm seeing a lot of women skiers loving the Z7. Which is not surprising as women skiers have always liked the D3 products. 
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  • Baller

In my opinion the Strada is a better ski.  The Strada turns great, it is a very agile ski, is extremely user-friendly, and doesn't require as much physical energy to ski well on.  I skied on a D3 prior to the Strada and although it was consistent and forgiving, it felt a bit like a dog - it didn't always respond to what I was trying to get it to do.  I never had a very easy time skiing the D3 at my harder passes.  Maybe it was just my style mixed with the ski, but I'm really not a D3 fan anymore.  That being said, the characteristics of a D3 tend to suit people in the 32 mph range quite well, and although I don't personally like D3's, there are a lot of people that do.

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  • Baller

I have ridden both and was making the same decision.  I was on the ride to buy program.  I chose the Z7 ST over the Strada.  I was coing off of a 2007 Nomad RC.  I rode the Strada for about 8 - 10 sets with a couple different fin / binding setups; but, I just couldn't get it to work for me.  I have three other ski partners that love their Stradas.  For me; the Z7 ST just felt more stable in the turn and seemed to finish the turn better.  It may be a touch slower cross course; but, I think the increased angle makes up for it.  I have been on it for about 6 weeks and the more I ride it the better it gets.

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  • Baller

I came off an X5 and I tried a Strada, a ZST, and an Elite.  Could never get comfortable on the Elite so made a choice between the Strada and the D3.  In my opinion, the D3 has a sliding turn while the Strada has a carving turn.  The Strada has much more speed coming off the ball................so I picked the Strada.  The downside is that if you don't have good form out the turn.......the Strada is not as forgiving.   

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  • Baller

At 32 mph would a Senate or Senate C be a better choice than a Strada or equivalent?  I ski with some 28 - 32 mph skiers on Senates and I get into 35 on my Strada @ 34 mph.  Personally I'd never put one of them on a Strada yet, I think they're much better off (and are skiing quite well actually) on their Senates.  IMO a skier at that level will make better progression on a (I hate to use the term but for lack of a better one) slightly lower lever ski.  Plus you're talking about half the money for a Senate versus the Strada.  One opinion.


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  • Baller

Thanks for all the inputs guys. My daughter is working on her 32 offs at 32 mph. This speed is tricky I find because you just don't have enough boat speed to get you out there effortlessly. You have to work it. Tried slowing the boat down to work on 32 off and she hated it, saying it was more difficult slowing the boat down a little bit. Her Goode is bit too long at 65" not really a 64". I don't believe she will be able to turn a Senate C, probably a bit too long. If the Senate C was made in a 63" version I believe it would be the best ski for 32 mph G2 divison. Leaning towards the D3 Z7 based on the majority of comments plus Paul Crawford's outstanding customer service.

 Thanks again.

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  • Baller


Based on the 2011 brochure, it looks like the Senate(s) will still be only be offered in 65, 67, and 69". Possibly of interest, the Strada and Vice will be offered in 63.5" (as well as 65,66,67,68, 69.5). Looks like the Vice is going to have an advertised blank price of $699.

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You have to ride em to be sure.  I know it will cost money, but its the only way.  We are fortunate to have a lot of good skis to choose from these days and it really comes down to personal preference.  I have spent a bunch of time on the Z7ST, X7 and Strada and I know what I think, but key is what do you think?  You might find a consensus that says the Strada is faster and the D3s generally turn like crazy, and I would agree, but getting your skier on it is the true test.


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I can run similar buoys on both, just personally feel more confident on the X7.  I like it better in the turns even if its slower side to side.  The write up from the D3 website is dead on...

What is the difference between the Z7 ST and the new X7? The Z7 ST delivers the ultimate in speed and agility. The ST has a quick, complete turn and takes very little effort to ride. Once the Z7 grabs angle it is very easy to maintain it to the wake.  For technical skiers who look for the boat to do the work the Z7ST is the ski for you. The X7 rides very deep in the water creating unmatched stability. The ski continues building angle out of the turn that has to be experienced to be appreciated. The X7 does take a bit more effort to ride and performs best when skied aggressively. The X7 should be the first choice for skiers who prefer predictability over speed. For any level slalom skier looking for the most stable turns on the planet and extreme shortline skiers seeking the ability to add angle into the white-water before the wakes the X7 is your ride.     
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Sorry I am one confused sob as I am riding the X7 not the Z7 I did not care for the on side turn of the Z and I didn't like the floaty feel of the Strada. I have made the appropriate corrections in my post and am leaving it as someone may be interested.

I have been riding the X7 for a couple of weeks now. I am coming off of an 08 RCX but have riden the Strada and the Z7 & Z7st. I am 185 on a 67 RFF and found the ski to be sluggish everywhere but the onside turn. It was wicked tight and solid there. At 35 off it had no offside turn so I shallowed the fin and moved it forward and now I love it the ski it feels smooth, stable, fast, carry's out wide and has great angle at the end of the turn on both sides. It has improved my 38's by 20% so how can I not love it. I swear if I could just hold still in the turns the ski would run every pass even 41. I have yet to blow the tail out on the offside even with these settings. 6.855 2.452 .778 boot 30". Like the gentleman said all the top skis are good you just need to find the one that suits you and be fortunate enough to find the settings that make it perform for you.

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  • Baller_

I rode the Z7 for about an year and tried the Strada for half a dozen sets early in the year. The Z7 is the most stable and predictable ski I've ever ridden. On the Strada, I don't think I ever had 2 turns that were the same. Obviously, others love the Strada. You definetely have to find the right ski that works for YOU.

Paul and Eddie are about the best customer service guys you will ever run across. Try before you buy is the best deal, but if you have to go blind, you won't be sorry on the Z7.

If you're worried about $50 demos to try a $1000+ ski, you are in the wrong sport. Those demos are a bargain.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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Go for the Z7 ST - 'girls' love them.  I switched from a Nomad RC to the Z7 ST this summer.  The Z7 ST allows early edge change & good cast out even at slower speeds.  The turns are very predictable & stable.  On of my friends said she didn't think she could take a nasty fall on the ski (but I have...).

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  • Baller


 You are absolutely correct, I am in the wrong sport. I am seeing that after about 10 tournaments for the daughter this year. Next year, I am looking to cut that by half. Looking to enjoy skiing for fun and exercise and not take it so serious. I am an accountant and I am failing to see the return on the investment if you know what I mean. Laugh out loud.

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  • Baller
Skimech - my daughter has been on D3's for about 5 years.  She is a 34mph skier.  If you look at the G2-W3 starting docks at Regionals and Nationals, you will see an overwhelming number of D3 skis.  They just work for women.  Not certain why.  I skied on D3's on-and-off for years.  Great skis but require a bit of effort for those of us 190-200lbs.  Women on the other hand, seem to ski more technical and therefore less effort is required.  I would HIGHLY recommend a D3 for your daughter. 
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I have been on the z7 for about a year and had very good success with it.  i am a 34 mph skier.  i agree with all the above comments as far as forgiving, easy to ride, customer service etc.  i am now on my 5th set with the strada and so far like it better than the z7. 

here's why - the ski carries speed thru the turn and out of the turn with ease.  for me that translates into the ski always staying in front of me throughout the turn which directly helps me maintain body position out of the turn.  

the ski carries speed thoughout the whole course with ease and to me feels more efficient.  

as far as the comment about feeling 'floaty' i can see where the ski can be described like that.  i felt that feeling when i first got on the ski but it was not a negative.  it just felt to me the strada skis alittle higher on the water than the z7.  

bottom line -  i have nothing negative to say about the z7 (am keeping it for now just in case).  strada is slightly faster, more efficient which helps my lower back.  ie easier to maintain body position.  


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