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I'm just a bit curious, wait a minute, -"Very curious" as to why those of you who use the WSF, actually read, write or participate in the 1st place?

Seriously, for those who are not too ashamed to admit it. Please enlighten me. -whisper if you'd like. But, seriously I am totally lost on this...

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  • Baller
I generally read there.  Sometimes I post if I have something pertinet to say.  Basically my ski season is over and I am jonesing already.  I tend to skip over the flaming stuff.  I don't understand people's issue with Robert Marking.  If you don't agree with what someone posts just don't read it.  These are discussion boards.  Nothing to get all worked up over.
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  • Baller

You seems to forget that TWSF used to be THE #1 PLACE for dicussing waterski!

Skifly is a lot worst.I know from your username that you do participate in other forums so you must get something else out of those forums that you don't get here!

Nothing to be ashamed from posting or reading TWSF in my mind...



My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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Thanx Chef & Andre.

Andre, the key thing in your above line is "Used to Be"... They seem to have made the choice to be "Evolving" in the wrong direction. Maybe if more of the descent people (most of us...) who represent our little ski community would completely Blow off the sites and opportunities that allow that kind of activity, undermining the Sports integrity as well as the users, with that which is totally Not in anyones best interests, -the Loose cannons, their moderators and the Ladies on "the View" would have a lot less to talk about...

Integrity, takes a Life time to Build.  But,  can be Lost in a single Moment... 

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I am pretty proud of the culture here. It did not happen by accident. I think the owners of the other forums are good guys but I also do not think they put in the time to shape thier forums like I do. Honestly it is 1/2 effort and 1/2 luck. I have been pretty lucky the way BOS has shaped up.
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  • Baller

I go both ways (WSF and here) and sometimes pro ski coach, but stopped looking at Skifly a long time ago.


I was on WSF way back since inception, there has been some trouble makers that have come and gone over time, and agree with Chief. Aside from the RJM thing, it is pretty tame. I have enjoyed sharing ideas with a lot of good people over the years, and am thankful guys like John and Kent go through the trouble of providing a hangout for us. I have not skied much the last two seasons, so having a place to talk about my favorite sport is great! Ay least I can keep my head in the game for when I come off the bench.

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  • Baller

I'm with Dawg.  I haven't even looked at Skifly in a long time and I pretty much don't look at TWSF anymore, it's devolved into a joke in my opinion.  A couple of the folks screwing it up over there have tried to do the same here and been corrected by the crew here which IMO is one of the best parts of this forum as Horton alluded to, the nature of the culture here.  It's still serious and friendly and oriented towards skiing rather than assauging egos, being the nost notorious poster, whatever.  Damn shame, that used to be a really good forum till the ego driven idiots started screwing it up with their flame wars.


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Horton has done a great job keeping BOS from being dragged down as the others mention have been. I do still like to check in at ProSkiCoach, they are still going in the right direction.

I would like to see more Pro's join in here on BOS, like Asher, MB, Jamie and & Rossi.

Maybe we can improve our posted questions to draw them in?

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  • Baller
I just read the Nate Smith thread on skifly. I think they could ban a few folks and not suffer too greatly from it. I really appreciate this place. It's pure skiing. I rarely have to wade through someone's political diatribes or snarky remarks, but if such things rear their ugly heads someone is quick to add levity and bring the conversation back to having fun. Thanks Horton! And thanks to the rest of you! JP :)
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This forum is the way it is because of you guys. If you want to make BOS suck, you can sink the whole thing. I can kick you all out one at a time but there is not a lot else I can do. One the other hand, if you want to help it continue to improve, you can take some ownership and build it up.

A forum is like a public park, you can come and go as you please and there is no one that is going to make you pick up your own trash. If (metaphorically) it is a public park in your neighborhood you might pick up your trash and the trash left by the a-holes who do not care. I would like you guys to see BOS a as a park in your neighborhood. To me most other forums are public places where not one cares if you piss in the pool or pick up your trash.

I must emphasize that I have a much higher opinion of the actual owners of the other forums than I do of the culture in those forums. Never let it be said that I personally criticized Kent or the Roger/Scot. These guys love waterskiing and mean to promote it. I simply do not agree with thier approach. It takes time and an understanding of web culture to get a forum to a health state. (I do not think that Wade belongs in this rant.  I think he does a solid job.)

The ideal state of BOS is that besides being a fun diversion, this forum is a source of information for skiers at all levels. I want skiers who are stuck at 15 or 28 off getting advice from guys stuck at 38 or 39 off (and so on). If you have ever wondered why I get testy when I read what I think is bad advice this is why. I want this site to be a source of reference. The most read articles are about gear or technical.

I admit that I am competitive about this. I want all the smart guys here talking about things that are meaningful and all the bone heads elsewhere. I want BallOfSpray to continue to grow and be a positive force in the sport.

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I do read TWSF and post there occasionally, but it really got bad a few weeks back and I got really tired of reading the flames.  I'm gonna work on getting Nate on BOS.  Don't know him so well, but I know his main ski partner. (ST)
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I've known Kent (the webmaster at WSF) for a long time.  He started the forum as a service to the community and it has served its purpose well.  Kent doesn't micro-manage the site in the same manner Horton does.  But then again, no one really associates the site (and its content) with Kent in the same manner that Horton is associated with this site.  Kent jumps in from time to time but he doesn't ski much anymore and is not as involved in sport as he once was.

As for reading / contributing, I chime in if I feel I have something to offer but it has evolved into something far removed from its original concept.

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Ball of spray is a classic example of what a web forum should be: well organized, well run, looks great and is easy to use. There are other search engines on the web but I bet most people use google for the reasons I stated before. I look at the other waterski sites the same way, I will go there but mostly to look at a train wreck.



"Do Better..."

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This has thankfully turned out to be a pretty cool thread! Some Good views from Good people and it provided the opportunity for a little more author and reader awareness. We all have a choice of What we say, How we say it and Where we say it.

The upside to the questionable sites is; They act as "Decoys," attracting the kind of activity and attitudes that are unwanted and untolerated here on BOS or PSC. Not to mention, they clearly define and exemplify the "What Not to do's" if you would like to   Win friends and influence people! 

Thanx Horton! 

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  • Baller
Horton is right, this has a lot to do w/the membership and what we Ballers choose to tolerate.  A while back there was a thread that got a little testy and a number of people jumped right in, called out the posters and let them know the comments were out of line.  If the entire BOS culture comes down on that kind of behavior, you won't see it here. 
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I am starting to have remorse about this thread. I spend a lot of time working to make BallOfSpray better. I feel competitive about the other forums and web sites. On the other hand, I sort of feel like this thread is an insult to Kent and I am not good with that. In the past I have been openly critical of the culture on other sites and I am not sure that is polite either.

I want the content on this site to be so good that you do not go anywhere else but I do not want to tear someone else down doing so.

I am going to close this thread and leave you with a totally gratuitous picture of The_Krista











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