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Details for the 2011 BOS Ski Test are coming together.


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Details for the 2011 ski test are coming together. At the top of this page, you should see a link to "Gear Reviews". If you hover over that button you will see a link for "Pre Season Notes". The pre season notes is roughly the same spreadsheet I will use to log every ride on the skis I will be testing.


This spreadsheet is very simple so I can update from my android phone at the lake. All my notes will be public that moment I enter them.


I will not be starting the review process until I feel my skiing is up to par. If the weather holds it will only be a few more weeks.


I will ride each ski for "25 quality rides". I say quality rides because I will not count rides were I am skiing behind funky boats, the weather is bad or there is some other distraction.


In the end I will gather my thoughts and write a conclusion.


The first ski I will review is the Razor


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After Horton writes his conclusion, the ski will be shipped to me. I will ride each one and hold onto it until I have ridden all the skis. I will then keep the best one. Thanks Horton. I look forward to the ski test.
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  • Baller
I think you should include the ski size and your height and weight at the beginning of your test just in case you change ski sizes after a few rides. Near the completion of your test I would like to see you take one set with the factory fin & fin settings including wing just to see how the ski works with those setting after you are very comfortable riding the ski.
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That data will be captured but I no not plan to ride more than one size.



Order is semi random. It is up to the factories to get me skis. I will generally review in the order I get them. So far Razor then A2.

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  • Baller

It may make sense to re-ride early skis when testing later skis. Tough to evaluate the first ski when no basis for comparision. The 2nd ski will have a ski before and after. By the time you are at the sixth ski, freshest in your memory is the 5th ski...the first way in the past. I know that may throw a fly in the ointment, but I have to think order will matter.


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It is a lot of fun for me and it carries as much responsibly. If my review is crap and then you may drop $1200 on junk - I suck.


After a number of years of doing stuff like this I take it pretty seriously. It is easy to white wash every ski and say they are great. My goal is to find the differences and point them out. The good and the bad.

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wow really? The videos i've seen online appear impressive (footage wise) and maybe that's a testament to the editing and not the camera?


Good to hear that opinion, I was about to drop some jack on one, I have a Flip and I think its a piece of shit...

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OK let me rephrase. Everyone but me loves the stupid thing.


My Kodak EasyShare is easy to use GoPro is not.


The GoPro video looks good but the interface is a joke. Sometimes it does what you expect and sometimes not. I guess if you use it enough it will work.


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Test Skis belong to the factory or me. Either way I am responsible for them. Amazing what happens to skis when you loan them out to skiers who do not have to pay for them.


@Klinger By the way, who are you? Real name?

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