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Reflex 500


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  • Baller
Having a bit of trouble with the Hardshell. Was wondering if anyone had the same problem and were able to fix it. Daughter has a size 6 shell medium bootie set up. Release mechanism is set in the 3rd and 5th hole from the back. Factory directions say 4th and 6th hole from back but it is very difficult to lock mechanism down. The biggest problem is the release mechanism is bruising my daughter's back leg and breaking her skin. How do you verify that the release mechanism is going to release on fall? The Reflex is set up same heel from tail distance but this puts the rear toe further back and it looks like she is riding her back foot, ie, tip rise. Any one out there run into this? Thanks!
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  • Baller

I have seen some trickers use a shin guard but yet to see slalom skier. Reflex makes a soft guard to go over the mechanism that pads the rear leg in a fall.

I would go by the resistance guide that reflex has to make sure it is releasing in a fall. I run mine a little lighter than suggested just a personal preference. /vanilla2/uploads/FileUpload/3/663.jpg

What size ski is your daughter on?

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  • Baller
My daughter rides a 64" Goode 9500. Can't bribe her off of it, even for a newer Goode. I moved the Reflex forward one hole and the ski came alive. I tested the release by putting my foot in it and applied forward tip pressure and it released. So, I am satisfied from a safety standpoint. The soft guard I just recently got for it is alleviating the bruising problem.
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I’ve had the same issue with mine though it may be the release mechanism sometimes I am of the opinion that it’s actually the heal piece on the back of the boot that is hitting her shin when it releases. I have the cover on my heal mechanism and the last time this happen I still ended up with my shin all banged up. Think about the tension on the front foot when it releases where else can it go, back and up. I tried putting my back foot in then grabbing the tip of the ski and tried to place the heal mechanism on an angle where it will hit my shin and I found for me that if this was the case I probably would more likely end up with a torn Achilles than a bruised shin form the release mechanism. I know of some people that us a soccer shin guard on the back leg just for this problem. When I installed 500 I had just came off the last version release mechanism and it is a little harder to lock down then the old version.

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  • Baller
I agree with baumer I think that it is the heal piece in this situation. If you were to hit the release mechanism it would fold down because it is on a hinge. Also I think that the 500 is a little tougher to lock into position than the 404.
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